" 04

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school was finished;

you were getting picked up by your dad today, no bus for a change - it was a bit of a walk from school, not too much though. the sky was darkening quickly, because of the season, so you decided to speed walk.

 suddenly, small droplets from the sky, started to fall - first slowly, drip drip, then the pace quickened and there was heavy rain falling from the sky. 

you quickly pulled your hood up, then took off your bag and reached into it; pulling out an umbrella which you quickly opened, before shading yourself. 

the rain started getting heavier, so you continued to walk, until you came upon a small bus shelter, where you saw a familiar blondie, trying to take cover from the rain. you thought to yourself questioning whether you should approach him, or pass a good opportunity.

you decided to give it a shot - you walked over anxiously, " u-um, kenma - san ! " the blonde-haired male noticed you and looked over, " oh .. hey  ? " there was an awkward silence as you thought of what to say.

" uh .. are you waiting for a bus ? " - " um, no .. the rain " he replied as he looked up, towards the sky. ' wait this could finally be my chance to get a little closer to him ', you thought to yourself ' since he's not getting a bus, he's probably walking home '.

" do you walk home ?  how far is your house ? " you asked " oh, uh it's a little further down the road, but this rain is too heavy .. but, m-maybe im just being dramatic, o-okay i'll go now b-bye

he panicked and started to walk out from under the shelter, but before he could leave you quickly grabbed him by the collar out of desperation " ah ! oh no, im so sorry - are you okay ? ". 

he rubbed his neck and winced in slight pain, " ow .. im fine - why'd you grab me like that " he looked up at you with a questioning look, 

" oh, sorry i just wanted to walk you home - the rain is too heavy and you'll get sick " you answered with a worried expression; looking away in embarrassment.

oh .. are you sure you want to, my house is a bit far ? " he looked down a small smile forming "oh, no its fine i can take you " he looked up at you and gave a small grin 



thanks for reading "

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