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" ugh ! i hate her so much "

 aoiki groaned, she slumped onto your shoulder as you raised an eyebrow at her. " yeah, me too !!  " you look over to see yumiko doing the same, on the other side.

" don't worry girlie, you're defo the better pick " aoiki smirked; 

you took one glance " get off me " - you shook the girls off, still glaring tensely at the scene with your arms crossed. 

it was as if hirota kept sending secret glances at you, continuously checking to see if you were watching; 

she was so discreet about it you couldn't tell if she really was doing this to mess with you, or your eyes were playing around again.

 this is what made her the sly snake she was.

it had been about  15 minutes and this girl was still going on. still stroking kenma, as if he was some sort of pet, and still sending you evil glances, to make sure you were watching. 

by now you were about to burst - thoughts bubbling inside your head - you were just about to stomp on over and gouge her dirty eyes out, when suddenly 


the sound of the bell - you had never been happier to know it was time for class.

" kenma ! hurry up and answer me !

this was bound to happen, you thought to yourself. you knew that when hirota doesn't get an answer she wants, or an answer at all, her patients disappears and so does her act. 

" um kenma, buddy .. " it was kuroo - captain of the volleyball team " let's go .. " he whispered, as the two of them quietly escaped the mess. 

you watched in silence as they fled the scene - a sigh of relief.

" ugh whatever, dumb blondie - doesn't know what he's missing out on " she mumbled under her breath; rolling her eyes, she gave you the side eye as she bashed into your shoulder and walked away with her little gang of minions, trailing behind.

you were just happy enough it was all over, and walked away to class with the girls.


im gonna try and update more often  

thanks for reading "

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