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lesson was over;

the girls came over to your desk - the three of you discussing random things about lessons and homework, when a small figure came up and stood behind you. the girls noticed first, looking up at the character, a small tap on your shoulder as you whip your head around, only to see a shy rika handing back your pen, with a smile on her lips.

" thanks so much for the pen, y/n ? is that right ? " you received the pen and gave her a nod, " yea, and your rika ? " - she slowly brushed her hair back and nodded with a grin. aoki being the cheerful one started conversing with rika, " hey rika ! im aoki and this is yumi " yumi gave a wave  to rika as she smiled politely - " wanna come eat lunch with us, later ? " 

rika gasped slightly, then started nodding vigorously with a giant smile, " that would be great, thanks guys ! " I gave her a small smile, as so did the other two. the teacher entered class for third and fourth period and so the girls stood by my desk, dragged themselves back to their own - rika giving me a big grin before retreating to her seat.

it was lunch and class got dismissed. aoki came over, linking arms with yumi, who seemed desperate to get to the canteen; then looked over at rika who was putting away her books. " rika ! let's go " she called, " okay ! ". 

the four of us walked out the classroom, and started walking towards the canteen - when all of a sudden a tall witch and her flying monkeys appeared infront of us. i sighed at the sight as yumi decided to speak up, probably in desperation to get food, " what the hell do you want shinju ?! get your minions and yourself, out of the way, so we can get lunch !".

shinju scoffed and rolled her eyes at us, " you do realise i am your senior, right ? anyways, i heard that your class had a new student. i just wanted to know where she is so i can say hell-" that was when she saw the brown-haired girl stood next to me - she walked closer towards rika with her arms crossed. 

unintentionally i grab rika's wrist and gently pull her slightly behind me, shinju watched this and averted her wide eyes to me, " y/n .. i didn't even notice you here ! it's good to see you 'not' stalking the volleyball team, for once !  " I rolled my eyes at her statement, 

" oh shut up shinju, when have i ever 'stalked' the volleyball team - and you're saying that, as if you didn't just get rejected by one of the team's players, a few days ago ? ". she narrowed her eyes at me before stating " ha, when did he ever say no ? " i furrowed my eyebrows, " anyone would say no, to a face that looks like an angry ogre 24/7 " a small 'pfft..' came from the girls.

 she fell silent, no response " .. whatever " then she turned to rika again - " rika, you're really pretty ! but hanging out with people like them, is like wearing a cute dress - at a farm. so, if you ever wanna hang out with people who are on your level, my classroom is five doors to the left of yours ! " and with that she strutted away - her 'crew' running after.

aoki sighed, " you should stay away from her rika, she may be all complimenting right now but if you join her, she'll be making you run after her like a little circus animal " rika giggled at the joke as we continued to go get lunch.

school was finished and i packed my bag, before saying by to the girls, and leaving to walk to the bus stop - but before i could walk out the school gates i caught sight of rika and shinju together, chatting and laughing together. i sighed, 'we warned her ..' I thought before walking off.

later that evening, after getting home you texted the girls about what you saw:

[ y.a.y ]


she did WHAT ????




she was kinda nice too


aw man 

well there's nothing we can do now


it's her own fault if she turns into a leashed puppy :c





you turned off your phone and went to bed - thinking about what the outcomes will be.


wow, long chapter - but anyways im back (for now). also I don't know if anyone noticed, but I've  changed my writing style; plus im gonna start using first person, from now on, during the story - but at some points I'll use second person and use italics e.g. you ate cheese.

that's all for now, thanks for reading "

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