" 05

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you were walking kenma home, the two of you under an umbrella, quite close together

" btw um .. who are you ? " 


it was like you were hit with a dozen arrows, all at once. ' who are you ' you stood there frozen and speechless; a little heart-broken - his voice just replaying in your head.

 " o-oh, im y/n .. " you smiled, painfully - " oh .. well, y/n - this is my stop - thanks for walking me home " he then gave a small smile, before dashing out the shade and running home; 

whilst you stood there - like an idiot, in the rain - you couldn't help but smile, as you hurried off to find your dad's car.

the next day

it was the morning, and lessons hadn't started yet, so you and the girls were just hanging out - when a sudden topic came up, from the people behind you guys.

" i heard, that there's gonna be a new girl, and she's in our year " one of the girls said, " oh yeah, i heard that she might be in this class ! " another exclaimed.

the three of you eyed each other - wondering what she'd be like - but before your imaginations could start blooming, the teacher burst in - and with a short-haired girl following behind him.

he cleared his throat, as everyone started taking their seats - you and the girls followed. " good morning class, today we will be having a new student joining us " he then turned to the girl; gesturing her to introduce herself. 

" oh uh, h-hello my um, my name is .. minami rika..

the girl trailed off, and looked away, to the floor. you looked at the girls - then they looked at you, the three of you thinking the same thing,

' awk-ward .. '

there was a long silence, before the teacher spoke again, " o..kay, um why don't you go take a seat next to .. y/n ! " you look away from the girls, and look up at the teacher with a confused look.

" wai- what ? " you questioned, " wave at rika-chan, please ! " you waved, not know to what was going on, until the girl noticed you and came over to sit down at the desk next to yours.

after that class started, but as rika pulled out her book, she suddenly stopped and started to search deeper into her bag. you look over at her as she sighed and hesitated to turn to you.

 you put two and two together to realise she forgot her pencil case, so before she wasted any more time contemplating, you grabbed a pen out of yours; and slowly placed it on her desk,

 she quickly noticed your action and gasped quietly, in order to not distrupt the lesson, but gave you a small grin of gratitude.

you wouldn't usually do favours for others, even if they were really struggling but you were in a good mood today, thanks to yesterdays 'rain', and you also felt a sense of pity - for once - to the new girl.


image idea for 'rika' (art not mine, found on pinterest)

image idea for 'rika' (art not mine, found on pinterest)

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name: minami rika

age: 15

year: first

personality: gentle, sweet

thanks for reading " 

have a great day/night/whatever

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