Loveth can only Blossom through Trusteth in Thyself; Chapter 6

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Alex slumped in the chair, then the boys heard Melvin's mom calling from downstairs, "Kids! I got McDonald's!" Alex and Melvin ran hurriedly dow the stairs to get their greasy treat. Melvin's teenage sister, Jessica, was at the end of the stairs, wearing her usual black oversized, brand-name hoodie and joggers. She looked at the boys and rolled her eyes, "Ugh, what is your dorky little friend doing here? Trying to help out with your dumb pissing contest with Zoe McCarthy's little brother?" She sneered. "Man, Jessica, leave him alone, and its not a dumb contest," Melvin said, a bit embarrassed. "Kids! Now means now!" their mother called from the dining room.

The three kids went to the dining room and pulled out chairs and sat down, Melvin sitting next to Alex and Jessica sat in the farthest seat from them. Melvin grabbed his burger with fries and Coke, then passing on some food to Alex, Jessica got her own food. Melvin's parents were talking in the other room, they weren't eating with them.

Jessica ate a few fries and scrolled on her iPhone, then side-eyed the other two and grinned, "Hey Mel, you going to tell Alex about your new crush?"

Melvin jumped up and ran to her, "Shut up! And don't call me that!"

"Oh why? Wouldn't Alex love to know your big fat crush on-" she couldn't get the last word out from Melvin covering her face.

Melvin laughed nervously, his face completely red, and his small hand covering his sister's mouth from spilling the beans. "Get your fat hand off of me, Mel," Jessica said, shoving Melvin over, "Fine, god, I won't tell him."

"You better," he mumbled, sitting back down. The three finished their meals and Melvin looked to the side at Alex, "Hey um, wanna go upstairs and watch the new Transformers?"

"Totally!" Alex agreed. Alex got up and cleaned the table, then went upstairs, Melvin grabbed the essentials; a 2 liter of Sprite, candy, and Doritos. Melvin soon followed after Alex.

"I'm sorry about my sister, she's so annoying," Melvin rolled his eyes and shut his door.

Alex looked at him, "It's okay, I'n used to her. But, I'm your best friend, I'm kind of surprised you haven't told me who you have a crush on. Who is it?"

Melvin looked at him wide-eyed, blushing, "Uhhh, it's no one, she made that up."

"Mm, you're a bad liar, Melvin. C'mon, I won't laugh," he looked at Melvin, a little puzzled.

"Seriously dude, I don't, let's just watch the movie," he snapped. Alex looked back, a little bit hurt.

"Sorry," Melvin said, "It's just personal, plus it's not like it would work out, it's stupid."

Alex nodded, "It's okay, let's put on the movie, yeah?"

"Yeah," Melvin smiled.

Melvin walked over to his TV and grabbed the disc from the case, Optimus Prime's solemn metal face decorating the box. He put the disc into the DVD player and pressed the play button.

The advertisements that are permanently on the DVD started to play, Alex looked over to Melvin, "Hey um, can I ask you something?"

"Is it about my crush or whatever?"

"Haha, no, but it's still sort of personal."

"What is it?"

Alex sighed, "Do you know what gay is...?" He asked.

Melvin looked at Alex, putting down his drink slowly, "Yeah? Like, my sister's gay, thought you knew that dude."

"Well, right, yeah. But um, what do you think about it?" He asked, rubbing the back of his hand, his heart racing.

"I guess I don't really care, y'know, my sister is and I hate her but I don't care that she likes girls," Melvin ate some chips.

"You, you don't?"

"Pfft nah, but I don't really know how that works. I mean how do they do it?"

Alex punched him in the arm softly, "Shut up dude," he laughed a bit.

The movie finally started to play, and they both laid back into the giant bean bag they were sitting on. "Um," Alex swallowed, "What if...I was gay. Would you still be my friend?" Alex looked down, mentally preparing for rejection.

Melvin looked at him and blushed a bit, "Oh uh, you are?"

He nodded.

"I mean, yeah man, you're still my friend," Melvin smiled at him.

Alex beamed, his face red, "O-Oh, cool, cool," he contained his excitement, resisting the urge to hug Melvin.

They didn't say much after that, and finished the movie. When it was over, they talked about their own theories for a couple of hours, then, Alex fell asleep on the beanbag, his golden hair covered head laying on Melvin's shoulder. Melvin smiled warmly and slowly leaned over to give him a kiss on the head, but chickening out at the last second.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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