Can You Still See The Heart Of Me

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You were running as fast as you could towards the sound of Sersei's scream. You knew it was dumb, you knew that if there was real danger there, you'd be in trouble. You weren't Y/N, this brave and strong Eternal they had told you about. Hell, you didn't even have powers. But Sersei had been so kind to you since you'd met, you knew you needed to help her, help all of them, any way you could. You saw Ikaris suddenly shoot up into the sky with a winged Deviant.

They can fly too?

"Y/N!" Druig screamed from behind you. He was not as fast as you. "Will you stop and hold on a moment? You can't do anything!"

But that wasn't necessarily true. Sersei said that if you were in life threatening danger, your powers might emerge. This definitely classified as life threatening. Then again this was also a big if.

You ducked out of the way as a broken branch flew towards you from where Gilgamesh had sent a Deviant flying into the trees.

You finally made it to the clearing, looking around. The villagers were running around, trying to escape the Deviants and you saw Sersei try to herd them into a building. Sprite was trying to drag a camera holding Karun away from harm as Kingo lay under a dead Deviant, black ooze all over his face.

You couldn't help but giggle at the horrified look on his face. That was disgusting. Unfortunately, in your moment of distraction, you did not see the Deviant coming at you. You were suddenly flung to the ground as Druig tackled you out of the way right before it got you. "I told you to hold on," he grumbled.

"Maybe I'll die and you'll be free," you snapped at him. You knew it wasn't fair. There was too much happening right now to be concerned with what he had said. But you couldn't help it.

"Not now," he said as his eyes turned gold. The remaining villagers started shooting at the Deviant, distracting it from you as Druig jumped to his feet and dragged you up. He pushed you towards the settlement, grabbing an extra gun from one of the villagers. "Get inside, hurry."

"I can't just leave you all," you argued back.

"Will you just for once do what you're told?" He cried in exasperation, jumping over the Deviant and shooting it in the head. "Go!"

You could hear the desperation in his voice, and in the end, that's what made you run. You saw an open door to one of the buildings, and starting running towards it. It was a scream that stopped you. There was a little girl clutching her toy, on the ground. One of the Deviants had seen her and was moving towards her. It took you only a second to decide. Turning to your right, you ran for the girl, grabbing her and hauling her up. "Run," you told her, pushing her behind you towards the building.

The Deviant turned its attentions on you, running at you now. Almost instinctively, you jumped, your hand pushing off its head to flip over it. What the fuck? Where did that come from?

You landed on your feet, and turned to see the Deviant still coming at you. You tried to jump again, but barely made it off the floor as the Deviant crashed into you, sending you flying back into a tree. That was painful.

You tried to get up but struggled to do so. Thankfully a hail of bullets hit the Deviant, killing it stone cold. Druig said, suddenly by your side and helping you stand. "Why didn't you get inside? Why can't you ever do as you're told?"

"There was a girl," you said, brushing off the dirt.

"Are you always this careless with your life?" He snapped.

"Well I was told our mission was to kill the Deviants, protect the humans," you shot back. "Or did you miss that meeting?"

He froze for a second, before pushing you back behind him running forward to attack the Deviant going after Sersei and the remaining villagers. Sersei turned part of the tree into water and then ice, trapping it in as it fought with Druig. You could see so many of the humans on the ground, dead and lifeless. You had never seen a dead body before.

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