Love Will Not Break Your Heart, But Dismiss Your Fears

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In the end, you, Sersei and Ikaris were the ones to go get Phastos while the others remained back. Druig had been against this, not wanting you to go without him but also because he wanted to punch Phastos in his face. That alone had solidly ruled him out of coming.

You flew to Chicago, and approached the suburban house the man had made his home. You saw a man fixing a child's bike in the driveway as a young boy was playing catch with another man in the yard. You smiled at the image as you approached the house.

The boy noticed you first. "Dad, look it's Superman."

Phastos looked up and froze, his eyes moving over Ikaris and Sersei quickly to finally settle on you. He stood slowly as he approached you. "Hey Jack, Ben, these are my friends from college," Phastos said, his eyes still on your face. "Uh this is Sylvia and Isaac, yeah Isaac and Y/N."

"No that's Superman," Jack ran over. "He was on tv fighting that alien. He was wearing a cape and flying and shooting laser beams out of his eyes."

"I don't wear a cape," Ikaris said.

Phastos sighed, exchanging a glance with his husband. "Let's go inside, shall we? Can I call you Clark? Is that what you go by now?"

"Y/N has called me worse just in the last 3 days," Ikaris said casually.

"Call someone knock off Superman one time," you grumbled.

You were waiting in their dining room as Phastos and Ben helped Jack brush his teeth. You were standing at the doorway, watching them and smiling. Sersei and Ikaris were trying to spy behind you. "That is so weird," Ikaris said.

You laughed quietly. "What? Someone being happy and not having a stick up their butt?"

"I do not have a—." Ikaris started affronted.

"He's coming," Sersei said quickly and both she and Ikaris ran back to the table. Sersei grabbed a comic book which Ikaris grabbed out of her hands. Sersei grabbed her mug again, looking at the table.

You stifled back laughter. "Incredibly natural guys," you said as Phastos came in.

He looked at you as you both joined the pair at the table. "So you're back with them, then? Does that mean you remember?"

"No," you said. "I mean obviously I'm with them, but I don't remember. Well maybe some things here and there. Like I had this dream and."

"I get it," Phastos interrupted you.

"You knew she was alive," Ikaris said. "This whole time, you knew."

"Not until about eighty years ago," Phastos said. "When Ajak and I went our separate ways after World War II, she told me and asked me to make her a device to leave Y/N a message in case something happened to her. I never thought the device would actually activate."

"Phastos, how could you not tell us? We thought she was dead," Sersei said. "We mourned her."

"Ajak said it was the only way," Phastos said. "After all these years, even I fell for her lies."

"I won't rub it in," Ikaris said.

"What else did she say? Did she say why she did it? Did she say how she did it? Did she tell you how I could get my memories back?" You asked in quick succession.

"Do you want me to just make you a PowerPoint?" Phastos said. "Or are you gonna let me actually answer some of those before you fire off another million questions?"

"You helped her keep my memories from me," you snapped at him. "No one asked for the sass."

"Okay, first of all, I didn't help her," he said. "All I did was create a device for her to leave you a message that would come to you if something happened to her. I don't even know what the message was. And secondly, you love my sass, don't play, Y/N."

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