My Love We Are One, And I Run Through The Battle

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"Druig is gone," Ikaris said, the Domo crashing behind him. "It's over."

"You're wrong," you said, waving your hands. The sea behind you built into a large wave, ready for your command.  The wind howled. "It is only just begun."

You surged your arms forward, the water rolling past you as a tsunami towards Ikaris. He flew high up to avoid it.

There was no mercy in your eyes as you flew at him. Your eyes shone gold as you crashed into him, sending him hurtling back into the cliffs.

"Y/N," he started. But you did not give him a chance to speak. You dove at him, again and again, punching him in quick succession, knocking him back every time. You waved your arms, gathering the water from the sea, turning it into ice and throwing it at Ikaris. He shot at them with his eyes, melting them.

With his distraction, you threw fireballs at him, hurling them one after another. "You will pay for what you have done," you said as you kicked him back again.

Ikaris flew high into the air, trying to escape you. But you followed, lifting yourself up. With your hands, you stopped the air around him before hurling him to the ground.

You didn't know what the others were doing. You didn't even know what the plan was now that Druig was gone, and you didn't care. You didn't even care that the world was ending around you. You only wanted to hurt the man who had taken Druig from you. That was the only thing you could think about.

Ikaris shot his eyes at the ridge behind you, toppling the rocks over you, covering you. Makkari sped forward, charging at him, hitting him in quick succession. He tried to shoot at her but she avoided his beams, sending him back into the rocks. Makkari ran at him again, and he grabbed her by the neck. "Enough," he shot her back, sending her skidding across the beach.

You pushed the rocks away from you and waved your hands towards Makkari, slowing her to a stop. You flew at her. "Are you alright?" You signed at her.

She nodded as she was clutching her side. She nodded her head towards Ikaris, and you knew she was telling you to go. She wanted Ikaris to hurt as much as you did. After all, after you, she had loved Druig best.

Ikaris started to fly away, but you flew at him, punching him back to the ground. "I didn't want it to end this way," he said, as he stood, shooting more beams at you.

"I don't care," you said as you hit him again. His useless words would not bring Druig back.

Phastos and Thena came over to you, Phastos sending his rings at him. Ikaris shot them down. You used the distraction to raise stone from the ground, sending a hail of pointed rocks at him. You saw Thena running at him and raised a ramp in the ground for her to jump off and kick him back into a rock. She lunged at him with her sword, but he kicked her back.

You dove at him at the same time as Thena and Makkari, trading blows, hitting him with everything you had. Thena gave you a look and you nodded, using the wind to throw her forward at him. You always had fought like one.

Ikaris spun and kicked out, sent you all hurtling back as he shot at you. You erected a stone wall to block his beam.

"This ends now," he rose in the air, his eyes lighting up.

He was knocked to the ground as the Deviant from before jumped at him from the cliff. He started walking to Ikaris, but Phastos shot his rings at him, sending him back.

"Why are you helping Ikaris?" Thena asked.

"We can't let it absorb our powers," Phastos said.

"Too late," the Deviant said in Gilgamesh's voice as he raised his fist, cosmic energy surrounding it.

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