We Left A Life That's Ordinary From The Start

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"The sudden appearance of an enormous stone figure in the Indian Ocean has left more questions than answers for authorities," the reporter on the TV said. "U.S. and Australian naval ships are maintaining defensive positions, but at this..."

Ben turned the volume down. "You guys did that?" His eyes were wide as he looked over at where you were all sitting. You were on Druig's lap, eating grapes from his bowl. Makkari was next to him with her cheese curls, and Phastos next to her with his pizza. You and Druig had met the others here a week ago when you left New York, and Ben and Jack had just come today when his winter break started.

"I love you so much," Phastos said, his mouth full of pizza.

"Phastos, that's disgusting, what kind of manners are you teaching your son?" You joked.

"I'm teaching him not to make smart ass comments to his elders," Phastos shot back at you.

"Well as we just learned, I'm older so," you grinned.

"Still a smart ass though."

"But that's why you love me," you said. You tried to get off Druig's lap to join Thena in the kitchen but his arm around your waist tightened. You rolled your eyes at him. He'd been a bit clingy the last few days, though you were not sure why, not that you minded too much. You had already lost so much time with him. "I'll be back, promise." You kissed his cheek.

"I'm eating," Phastos glared at you.

"Ben, can you ask your husband why he's always looking at my intimate moments with my girlfriend?" Druig said.

"Because you do it everywhere all of the time," Phastos snapped. "I had to have the talk with Jack because of you. He's ten."

"I mean, you had to have it with him eventually, right?" You laughed.

"What is the talk?" Makkari signed. You looked at her for a moment and then remembered she had spent the last several centuries under the sand on the Domo.

"Phastos here will explain," you smirked as you stood finally and walked into the kitchen. Thena was playing around with a toaster. "No, don't put your hand in there, Thena." You pulled it away from her.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked her.

"I get confused sometimes," she told him.

"Yeah. Me too." Jack started jumping up to try to grab an orange. "So, dad said you're the Goddess Athena."

"Thena. Drop the A."

"Oh, what's you're superpower?" He looked at her.

She drew her sword and stabbed the orange, bringing it down for him. Your smacked your face as Phastos ran into the kitchen.

"Okay. All right," Phastos chuckled nervously. "See, that thing is... Okay. Almost gave you a shave and a haircut, didn't she? Stand behind me, actually. Um, you remember earmuffs? Remember how we practiced earmuffs?" Jack covered his ears. "Thank you so much."

He turned to Thena. "You know that your babysitting privileges are completely revoked, right? Like, it's done."

You laughed.

"Thank you," he said to Jack as he stopped covering his ears. "Violence... Hey. Violence is never the answer. Right, T?"

"Hmm," Thena said.

"You gotta always use your brain, huh?"

"Like you did fighting on the beach," Thena said.

"Your dad spoke calmly and firmly to the bad guy and he had no choice but to listen to me, so no violence," Phastos said.

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