Chapter Eleven: LEILA

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The thing about drowning is, as soon as you go underwater, your body fights, quivers, screams and will go to any length to save you. So, your arms might reach out, your legs kick through the water, wanting you to fight and struggle for every last breath. But there must be something wrong with my brain and body, because as soon as my head slips under, I part my lips, consuming water, feeling the way it burdens my lungs. Coughs shake my body, unintentionally letting more water in. I've stopped fighting. Really, I gave up and accepted my fate long before death even neared.

But someone must have wanted me to live, because a hand grips the front of my shirt, and drags me out of the water. I come up, inhaling sharply as my arms finally flap around, seeking a solid surface.

"Are you trying to baptize yourself in a kid's pool?" Rakin says, brows furrowed as he pulls me to the edge of the pool. He lets go, once I've held onto the inflatable pool, keeping myself afloat. I practice my breathing, in and out, in and out, until I can breathe normally again. "Have you converted?"

"I believe in Allah," I respond through choked coughs, struggling to climb out of the pool. Eventually, I land on my knees and the palms of my hands flat against the wet grass. This is what I get for sending my bratty cousins out into the backyard to play in the pool. At least, the weather is warm today. My little cousins stare at me, jaws wide open. They must have called Rakin to help me instead of helping me themselves.

"I bought this pool, so can't I swim in it?"

Rakin motions toward Kyna and Kamal, who glance at each other, then shrug and jump back into the pool. "The pool is for them. For kids. Not for you to... to baptize yourself."

"Oh my goodness, I wasn't baptizing myself. I don't even know how baptism works!"

He turns away from me, shaking his head. He walks to the back door, calling out, "You're welcome."

My cousins cross their arms across their chests, waiting for an explanation I am embarrassed to give. How do I tell them that I accidentally slipped inside and didn't have the strength to fight?

So, I smile at them, and staunter inside, quickly heading to my room to change out of my clothes before anyone else questions me about my state.

It's my day off today, and I don't have much to do, so once I've changed, I leave my house and head to Ruaa's, not because I want to catch sight of Salar. No, of course not, I just want to hang out with my friend. But when I get there, Ruaa is in the midst of kicking on her shoes.

"Hey, sorry, I got called into work, so I'm heading there, but why don't you come back tonight and we'll hang out?" She offers me gum, and I accept it, unpacking it from the wrapper. The scent of strawberry fills my nostrils, and I plop it into my mouth, savouring its sweet taste.

I shrug, blowing out a bubble. "Okay, cool." I glance at the basement door, which is closed. Of course, they don't keep it open, respecting Salar's privacy. Though I'm pretty sure the lock is broken, and Salar hasn't asked to get it fixed.

Ruaa follows my gaze. "I don't know if he's down there, but he's always pretty quiet so I can't tell. You can go check."

"I-I don't want to meet him or anything... I just left something downstairs."

She smiles knowingly. "Sure. See you later. Have fun with Salar."

"Should I use the side door or this door to enter?" I ask.

"Inside door is fine. He doesn't mind."

Once she's out of my sight, I go over to the basement door, gripping the knob and twisting, before I reconsider. I let go, unsure of what I'll say when I go down there. Instead, I lean my head against the door.

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