𝟑 -- 𝐀𝐬 𝐚 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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The first period was already over and now time to go find the next class which is photography --- but I love Science too, I used to be the top student in it in my old school, I just had a subject about photography, because maybe I'm already in senior high school? I don't know.

I wore my backpack and headed outside --- and I was eventually stopped by a hand placed on my shoulder. I looked at the owner of the hand just to see Peter smiling at me as he was slightly catching his breath. 

"Hi," He chuckled a bit. "I kinda figured out earlier that you got lost finding the right room." My head suddenly nodded slowly as his eyes hypnotized me from doing so, I quickly shake my head back to reality.


"And maybe I could help you with it?" He shyly smile as he looked at me through his eyebrows, I just noticed how tall he is.

"If you don't mind, sure." I smiled, I grabbed my schedule inside my bag and pulled out the paper. As I was pulling it my eyes just suddenly widened as I see the sight of my camera falling out of my bag, but luckily Peter quickly caught it. I sighed in relief. "Thank you, that was close." I laughed.

"You... like taking pictures?" I started to walk as he followed beside me. I looked at him while he was examining the camera that my parents gave to me as a gift for my birthday.

"Yeah, and speaking of pictures. My next class is Photography." I handed him the list of my schedules and he gave back my camera to me gently as he reads the schedules.

He's mumbling words. "First and second period we're in the same class." He returned the paper to me and just continued walking. He eventually stops in front of a room --- I'm assuming we have already arrived at my next destination.

I sat beside him like in the first period, because there were no seats left, as we were waiting for our professor, I started to open up a topic. I looked at Peter who was beside me just to catch him looking at me and quickly glanced in a different direction. 

"I see that you're in the same class as me in Photography, tell me about it." I waited for his response patiently, he just let out a breathe, more like a laugh.

"I love taking pictures, it's just already in my personality to take pictures of something interesting I see. Especially taking pictures of Spider-Man." He turn to look at me with a smile on his face --- on the other hand, I looked at him questioningly. 

"Hmm, ok..." After that, our supposed-to-be professor walks into the room and greeted all the students.


The second period already finished and also the third one, and now it's lunchtime. I decided to eat outside, finding out there were tables and chairs, it would be lovely as I review some of the lessons for the fourth and fifth period while eating. I always do these things, reviewing the lessons that would be the topic for later just for me to have a little knowledge about the topic.

I was about to take my first bite when three guys appeared in my peripheral vision. I looked at the three guys but the middle one sits right beside me, I assumed their leader. First look at their expressions and styles and how the way people look at them, it seems like they're a bully.

"Hey there beautiful, I haven't seen you before. Are you new?" 

"If you haven't seen me before, isn't it already obvious that I'm new here." I responded without looking at him. I could hear his two friends wheezing behind him, he turned his head towards them, I assumed he was glaring at them because they eventually stopped. The guy looked at me once again with a smile, a smile that isn't beautiful as Peter has. Wait, what? 

"No need to be shy," He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and pulled me closer. "I'm Flash, by the way." As if I care, I thought. "We can hang out after class and maybe have some fun." I pushed him away and stood up, towering him.

"More of your conversation would infect my brain." I smiled annoyingly at him as the smile on his face vanished. "So if I were you, I would plant books in my brain and shut the hell up instead of words coming out from my mouth with an empty brain." I looked at him with a mad-disgusted face. He stood up from where he is seated and turned away. He halted and looked at the guy in front of him, Peter, with a teasing smile on his face. I didn't even notice that he was there. Flash just continued to walk away and bump his shoulder into Peter's.

I sat back down again and continued eating. Peter sat beside me with a tray of food in his hands and placed it on the table as well. "That's unbelievable, Ana. On how you throw insults in front of him, other people in the campus wouldn't have the guts to talk back like you did."

"I wouldn't take the risk to just sit and shut up, I have my rights as a girl to defend myself."

"I mean you're not wrong..." He opened up his mouth as if he has something to say and eventually closed it not even continuing his statement.

"Just spill it." I soon said after he took the first bite of his food.

"I was just thinking if maybe I could..." He seems to be hesitant, then he looked at me. "Maybe I could take you home?" I looked at him shocked, but he instantly stopped me from thinking other things about it. "As a friend." I squinted my eyes at him as he smiled nervously at him.

"I would love to." I smiled and continued eating.


The final bell started to ring loud around the campus, meaning the day was over and all the students can finally go home. I'm going to say... my first day here in my new school has been great so far, except for that Flash guy. I don't know who he thinks he is, but I've got no time for people like him.

I walked fast pace through the hallway of the school, hoping to see Peter in front of the campus where he instructed me to be for walking me home. As I assumed, he was there standing and looking at his watch. I patted his shoulder to look at him, I smiled. "Let's go?" He said and I just nodded.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 | peter parker ( andrew garfield )Where stories live. Discover now