Chapter 4

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Standing up from the couch, I approached the man who dared to claim me as his own. Gently, I turned his head to the side with one finger. The mere touch of my finger against his skin sent a subtle, fiery sensation through me. A yearning and ache for more than a single touch pulsed within every fibre of my being. Yet, I refused to delve into the reasons behind these desires. After all, one thing I certainly am not is a pet. I demanded respect, refusing to take orders. While I could have any man I desired, compliance was not in my nature.

As a Stark, my name spoke volumes on its own.

"That's so cute," I teased, moving his ear close to my lips. "But. Last. I. Check. I. Am. A. Person." Each word resonated in his ear, and just before the final one, I gently bit the tip of his earlobe. My teeth grazed over it, forcing him to take a step back in shock, looking as stunned as a deer in headlights. Enjoying the impact of my actions, I smiled and continued, "And I say, I don't belong... to... you."

Laughter erupted behind me, accompanied by Druig's comment, "I think she just broke Ikaris." Turning around in time to witness Ajak hitting Druig over the head, I couldn't help but recall how stressed my dad must have been, likely awaiting my call.

Realizing I lacked my bag, which held my phone, I asked Sersi, "I don't suppose you have my phone, do you?"

Shaking her head, Sersi replied, "Sorry, but when you hit the ground, um, it fell out of your bag and dropped into the water." As I looked down at my leg, the memory of the Deviant's attack began to resurface.

Suddenly, hands gently wrapped around my waist, enveloping me in the familiar ocean-forest scent that I loved. It brought me back from the haunting memory, grounding me in the present moment.

I wanted to remain cocooned in the warmth of the moment, convincing myself that everything unfolding around me was just a wild dream. Yet, the insatiable hunger for knowledge in me yearned for reality. Human history, a tapestry of stories, unfolded before my eyes, and the answers to my questions seemed within arm's reach. All I had to do was ask them.

Slowly reopening my eyes, I realized I hadn't even noticed them closing. The collective gaze of everyone in the room was fixated on me again. As I looked up, I found myself cradled in the arms of an unexpected companion.

Apparently, he had gotten over the initial shock of my peculiar existence.

Attempting to free myself, I squirmed, but his grip was unyielding. "Hey, mind letting go now?"

Arching an eyebrow, he chuckled as though my plea was a punchline. "I don't think so, love." Despite my futile struggles, his arms remained steadfast. The notion of stomping on his foot or delivering a well-aimed kick crossed my mind, and I think Dane sensed it.

Dane exchanged a glance with Sersi, prompting her to rise and cautiously approach us, hands poised as if taming a potentially dangerous creature. "Ikaris, she knows nothing about the bond. Release her so we can expl-"

As Sersi tried to intervene, Ikaris's grip tightened, and his tone turned harsh. "And whose fault is that Sersi?" His words sent shivers down my spine. "Nearly two years, and you and Sprite kept silent. Imagine waiting for seven thousand years, only to discover your mate is with the people you consider family. They not only neglected to inform you they found her, but she also lies on the ground, perilously close to—"

"IKARIS, SHE'S BARELY A CHILD!" Sersi interrupted. "She's only eighteen. Do you really think you have the right to equate this to Dane and me? Dane is clearly older, and our situation is entirely different."

"She's right here," I attempted to say, but my words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Ajak rose to his feet.

"ENOUGH, both of you," Ajak intervened, casting a stern glance at Sersi and Sprite. Meanwhile, the others observed the unfolding drama as if it were the most captivating movie they'd ever seen. "Let's calmly sort this situation out. Sersi, what you and Sprite did was wrong. Keeping one's soulmate away from someone is a crime in itself, regardless of their age. And Ikaris, please let her at least sit down; she's already turning pale again."

It became increasingly challenging to focus as the room began to spin. Nausea washed over me, threatening to make me sick at any moment. Blinking, I found myself somehow seated on the couch with Ikaris's protective arms still around me. I must have momentarily spaced out, judging by the genuine concern etched on his face. His worry, I suspected, was not unfounded. "Are you alright, love?"

"Could I have something to eat, please?" I blurted out. The adrenaline from the day's events was starting to wear off.

"Cra... Druig, didn't you give her anything to eat when she woke up?" I think Dane said, but at this point, I couldn't care less. He knew I couldn't go long without food, so two days without it was pushing my limit.

"Druig, how could you fail to give the poor lady some food? You should be ashamed of yourself," Kingo chimed in. I snuggled more into Ikaris's arms, seeking comfort and warmth.

Wait, why was I leaning against this hot—no, no, no—I meant this entirely average-looking man, to whom I'd practically declared, 'him and me, not happening'?

Yet here I was, practically begging to be in his arms in my weakened state. "I'm sorry if I had a bloody sword to my throat preventing me." Druig's voice faded into the background as Ikaris shifted, perhaps contemplating whether to get up or not.

"Alright, Sprite, will you please get the food Gilgamesh made this morning?" Ajak instructed. Sprite didn't respond, and the sound of light footsteps faded before returning.

Feeling my shoulder gently being shaken, I realized I must have dozed off for a moment. "Love, your food is ready." I disentangled myself from Ikaris's chest, possibly hearing a whine, but I chose to ignore it. Observing his hands holding a plate of grilled sloppy joe, my stomach churned at the thought. (For those unfamiliar, it's a bun or bread with minced meat on it.)

Swallowing, I eagerly snatched up a slice, holding it in my hand like a treasure before triumphantly guiding it to my mouth. With a hesitant bite, I knew this grilled Sloppy Joe held the key to banishing my queasiness, and sure enough, it did the trick.

As I devoured the savoury delight, a chorus of delightful moans may have escaped me, each bite delivering a burst of pleasure as the mincemeat's juices tantalized my taste buds. "This is absolutely delicious, thank you."

Gilgamesh, with a voice that resonated like a familiar family friend, replied, "You're very welcome, Dane. Sprite recommended it; she said it's your favourite." Despite the gravitas in his tone, Gilgamesh's playful demeanor shone through.

"I also want to express my gratitude to the person who mended my leg," I added, attempting to rise and clear my empty plate. However, Ikaris beat me to it, swiftly whisking away the evidence of my culinary conquest.

Ajak, her serene smile unchanged, remarked, "You're very welcome, Freya. But now, let's get back to why you're here." I nodded, signaling her to continue. "There's no easy way to broach this, but what do you know about soulmates?"

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