Chapter 10

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I had almost forgotten the sheer size of the compound. There stood the imposing main building for the Avengers (and anyone not carrying the Stark surname). Adjacent to it, a smaller second building nestled on the side—reserved for Adrien and me, and anyone we deemed worthy of an invitation.

"You might've missed the five-star accommodation," Druig suggested with a smirk as I nonchalantly strolled past the main building. Dodging the impending headache of dealing with whoever occupied it at the moment seemed like a smart move.

"Oh, really? Last I checked that's the building that's open to the Avengers and the public. And I don't see your name tag anywhere, Druig." I struggled, though unsuccessfully, to suppress my smile. His reaction was pure gold.

"So, where am I—Owww—where are we staying?" Sprite delivered a timely elbow to Druig's midsection.

"Right here. This is the not-so-private residence of my brother and me." Approaching the automatic double doors, they gracefully swung open. "Adrien claims the main floor, and the 'top floor,' as they call it, is mine." I led the Eternals, plus Dane, to the elevator.

"Wonderful to see you again, Miss Freya," Jarvis chimed in. Most folks would find a talking AI surprising, but having Jarvis around was my version of normal (Oh, the shock I got when I moved to London).

"You too, Jarvis. Top floor, please." Dane looked like he was about to inquire about something when Jarvis responded with a swift "right away" and sealed the glass doors. The elevator began its ascent.

"You know Freya, I should come to visit you more offend here." My grip on Ikaris' arm tightened slightly at Spite's words, given that I hardly visited nowadays.

"Wait until you see the rooms." The lift halted, and the glass door swung open. Stepping into the lounging area, I took in the couches and the three doors leading to bedrooms, each with its private en suite. The only downside to the second building was the absence of a kitchen—my dad's subtle way of coaxing me into dining in the main building with everyone else.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Sersi exclaimed, her eyes roaming the room, with Dane glued to her side as they both gazed out the glass wall. "I second the verdict." I always admired the way my dad personally designed and oversaw every detail of this building. The high ceilings that could open into a glass to reveal the stars at night and my own room with a little snack bar for late-night study sessions—all these details reflected his care.

"As lovely as this is, these bags aren't getting any lighter. So, which room is mine?" Druig lifted the bags in his hands.

"About the sleeping arrangement, completely forgot to tell you... Umm... You guys will be sharing, unfortunately." I released my hold on Ikaris and opened one of the bedroom doors. "This one is Sersi and Sprite's room..." Walking to the opposite side of the room and opening another door, I continued, "... And this one is Dane, Ikaris, and Druig's room. If you need anything, the door between both your rooms is mine."

"Doubt that's going to work," Sprite muttered, taking a seat on the couch.

Did Sersi and Dane want to share a room, or maybe the Eternals don't sleep? Wait, a tick. Do Eternals sleep? My eyebrows knitted in confusion from all the questions I needed to ask. "Why? Do you not need sleep or something?"

Laughter echoed in the room at my momentary lapse in knowledge. "Well... Yes and no. You see, Freya, we don't actually need much sleep, but that's not the reason. It's—"

"You kind of wouldn't be able to sleep without your soulmate," Sersi began explaining, but Dane cut her off while placing his bags in Sersi's room.

Looking at Ikaris' pained expression, I knew I had no choice. "Aye, it's true, love."

"Discovered that one the hard way," Dane sighed, reentering the room. "Five agonizingly tiring days with almost no sleep. Trust me, Freya, it was dreadful and ain't worth it."

"I said I was sorry." Dane embraced Sersi from behind and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Oh, I know, but it's great to milk that card once in a while." Dane's remark had me chuckling. Maybe having a soulmate wouldn't be so bad; Snow had never looked happier than when he was with Sersi.

"So I guess... Sprite and Druig will just have to bunk together, since Snow and Sersi will be sharing, and Ikaris will be staying with me." Sprite toppled off her couch, and Druig's head popped out of his room. "Guess that's all settled then."

"I don't think so..." Sprite began to protest but was cut off by Druig.

"I would love to bunk with you, Sprite, but you just look so comfortable on the floor..." Sprite shot up faster than I could blink, ready to pounce on Druig. However, just before Sprite could attack him, Jarvis ended up saving the building.

"Excuse me, Miss Freya, but Mr. Stark has been trying to call you. Should I answer?"

My amusement was short-lived. I exhaled and opened my bedroom door, turning my head to the Eternals and Dane. "I'll let you guys get settled in. I'll be in my room if anyone needs me. And please don't bring down the whole building while I'm away." The door clicked shut; my bags fell from my shoulder to the floor.

Closing my eyes and bracing myself, I knew it was going to happen. It was only a matter of time before I had to speak with my father, whether in person or over the phone. However, I could delay it no longer by the looks of it.

My eyes opened, and I reluctantly muttered the words I had secretly been dreading. "Alright, Jarvis, answer the call in this room only, please... And thank you." I moved to my desk, settling into my chair, preparing for the inevitable conversation with my father.

"Right away, Miss Freya," Jarvis responded, and then the voice on the other end changed. "I see you finally decided to answer, Frey."

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