[ch:2] 28

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"Somebody must have invited one of those newspaper/journalist club members. Also why are you surprised? We are conventionally attractive and problematic people. Of course we are on most covers. "

"First of all, Mark, you sounded really smart for a second there. Almost like you aren't talking through your dick. Secondly can you tell me everything you know about the newspaper club? "

"What? You should know about the Newspaper club by now. "
"Riiiight. Of courseeee NONE of this bs is new to me. It's just that I am.... I am... ummmmm...Sick! Yes I got a fever and forgot about their existance. So come on now Mark. Help a hoe out! "
"I don't believe a word of what you said but whatever. The newspaper club is an infamous group of people who runs the fwitter account Eudaimonia Academy. There's actually 2 account by this name. One run by the school staff that posts about nerds and jocks and awards. Nobody cares about this one. But the other one is run by the newspapers club. This account has a blue check mark and millions of followers."

"Um... sorry millions of followers for tea account of school gossips? "
"Yeah! I mean people wanna know what the 1% are upto ya know. "
"Yes that makes perfect sense. This is completely normal."
"You sound sarcastic... But you are right. Anyways! The newspaper club has eyes everywhere and are worse than paparazzi. They will pretty much do anything for a scoop."

"Woow... sounds like a nightmare... "
"That's not even the interesting part bestie! The most intriguing thing I have heard was anyone who is accepted into the newspaper club needs to sign a nda waiver to join. "
"What!? Why isn't the teachers or fuck-- police or fbi concerned about this?? That could be a methlab or cult or money laundering scheme for all we know! "

"The teachers aren't paid enough to care and the spokesperson of the club is the Principle's daughter who is ALLEGEDLY in a relationship with someone from the Egyptian mafia. "
"Um... spokes- daughter Mafia...-- what?"
"And you know when it comes to mafia... police is fcking useless and fbi is probably in on it. So thats that. Also yeah, the identity of all newspaper club members is a secret. And the spokesperson is.... just... let's say a very shady girl."

"Hmmm... Why does it sound like you know this spokesperson very well? "
"I wonder... Listen F/n-- "Mark sighed deeply "Just stay away from her. "
"Um Mark... you-- are you okay? "
"Ooooh bestie I gotta. Class startin' byeeeeie ."
Mark hung up. You sat there, food half eaten, processing the info dump Mark dumped on you.

A sad sigh left his slightly chapped lips but he didn't bother applying any chapstick. The mess of the desk in front of him didn't deter his attention away from the smaller laptop on his lap.  Neither did the desktop setup screen that still remained blank. The  blue curser on ms word kept blinking like a ticking bomb, serving as a constant reminder of his deadline.

He watched as you sat in a cat hoodie, booty shorts and knee high socks wondering to himself if that same hoodie would look any good on him. If only the cameras had audio, he could hear the hour long conversation you just had on your phone. He pulled his favourite blanket closer and over his extra messy maroon hair.

Satoshi can finally take a day off as his father out attending some business meeting / get together. And Satoshi is glad he did. As he can see so did you. Now one maybe thinking why does these cameras exist around your mansion, how did Satoshi access these cameras' footage and why is he watching you like you are his favourite streamer going live.

The cameras were placed around the house to monitor the servants activities. Yato secretly added more cameras so he can keep taps on your location. So most rooms had hidden cameras beside bedrooms and a few special rooms. Satoshi was unaware of this fact so he just assumed Williams are extra paranoid people.

Last night, Satoshi's anxiety ridden runimation and over-thinking about the fact that he might again start hallucinating about you lead him to hiring a hacker. No average hacker would hack into someone's home security camera so he had to get one from the deep web. Which was a pretty risk thing to do but was absolutely worth it. Now lastly why is Satoshi watching you for 3 hours straight like creepy stalker fan? That's a question for another time.

The loud knocking on the door almost made Satoshi throw the creep-cam laptop against the wall. He quickly closed the laptop and pretended to work on his draft as a butler came in with his food.


The picnic was a blast. You didn't think it would be this fun. You made quite a lot of friends and nobody is scared of you anymore. They all respect you and/or like you. You profusely apologized to your butler, Mrs. Fae for leaving her behind at school yesterday. Everything is going great.

Of course you remained completely unaware of the man who watched you through the cctv cameras.

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