[ch:3] 30

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A/N: Highly recommend putting the above song on loop.

Tyler bumped into you. Lily watched you and him as the light drained out of her eyes.

He smiled at you as you smile back. Lily stood still, her eyes looking deader by the moment. Tears gather at her lower lasheline.

Tyler knew it was risky to talk with you now but he didn't care. He needed this moment. He needs your attention,f/n. That red long haired school shooter looking guy and popular virgin guy Yato glared at him. That only made Tyler more proud to have you..r attention.

People at the entrance the cafe bump into Lily. Lily didnt respond or move. She didn't even know if she was breathing.
"Hey maybe don't fu--...um."
"Is that girl oka--"
"Let's just go ! Let's go"

Blood dripped down her lips and crashed into the ground... Lily's nose is bleeding. Again.
Ah what is this crushing feeling in her chest? It's getting really hard to breath. Something is building up, scratching at throat; scratching at her soul.

How much pain does Lily have to bear before her heart is forgiven?

"Somebody... please help me" she uttered barely over a whisper.

Tyler got something in his eyes. You place one hand on his shoulder and place the other one on his cheek, to gently pull his eye lead down. He was just pretending. But you didn't know that.

Lily threw up in the nearest trashcan as Tyler blushed under your soft touch.

Her body was shaking over the bin. Tears creating lines down her face as her mascara melting off. All her ugly feelings that she kept hidden for so long and has been forcefully put on display. For the whole world to see and make fun of.

"Please F-F/n. Stop. Please I am begging you. Please don't take the love of my life away from me. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please-"

This world is not kind to a woman. Especially women of colour. It will be unfair and cruel to you too one day. Then you will understand why I did what I did.
And when that day comes for you,I hope you are able to have what you want ...by any means necessary

Lily's crunched up face slowly loosened, the crinkles unfolding one by one. She stared at her vomit with life-less doll eyes. Mascara running down her face, blood dried under nose forming a crusty line to her naturally pouty lips. Face and hair wet from sweat,clung to her skin.

Lily didn't care. She started walking. Walking in the opposite direction. Towards the school. Beyond the school... To the forest behind the school.

#788903827 Lily Someya.
Yes I would to like have the earliest appointment available with Ms. Pierrette Xiang."


Behind the school, Lily waited for an escort. Only now,fear started to seep in. She felt the hairs rise on neck as the cold wind blew. That air should have been refreshing given the summer heat but it wasn't. Lily looked back to see a lone window open and unlocked. It felt surprisingly comforting and inviting .

Lily jumped over the sad excuse of a divider that separated the school media building and the forest. She sat down on the window sill; immediately feeling a shock racing up her spine.

A/N: Italicized paragraphs are the vision/hallucination/dream/memories/etc Lily is seeing in her head.

"I am telling you. He is a fucking a creep. You should really stay the fuck away from him" Lily said as she looked back.

"Guys come on! He is a little peculiar but nothing too bad! He is actually very sweet ."

"I heard him singing pumped up kicks! He is the guy that will tell you not to come to school tomorrow!" Margaret replied.

What caught Lily's eyes was that Margaret has bit of a muffin top. Her body seems fatter and heathier. She seems really energetic too.
Lily closed her eyes and concentrated more. But the last 2 girls' faces remained a blur.

"I agree. That loser seems to be into you." The girl with gorgeous golden blonde hair said to the shorter one.

"Aaww you are so cute when you get jealous." The shorter girl placed a kiss on the blonde girl's cheeks.
"He is not into me. We are just friends!"
"And it better fucking stay that way. You are mine and I am yours."

"Aww that's so cute." Margaret.
"You know Margaret you should stop being I N denial and get INside a girl named De Nial." Lily said smirking.
"Shut up Lily ! I am straight and have a bf ! You all meet Mark right?"

" Right. Margaret is straight. And I am a straight white man with 3 children living in Milwaukee."

"Fuck you Lily! "
"Guys look we are almost at the top!"


"AH FUCK!" Lily snapped out of her dream like state. What was that? Was that a dream? A movie? If so why was both Lily and Margaret there along with 2 other girls. What's going on?

"Ms.Lily Someya. #788903827 ? Correct?"
"Ye-yeas." Lily faced down, quickly wiping her face; which just made the mess worse.Suddenly a wave of embarrassment hit her.
"Follow us."

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