[ch:2] 38

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Ouch that hurt you a little. And you can't move.

Why do yanderes have the strength of a thousand men? Just to make the side characters life hard?

Shizuo's actions didn't even register in his head. The lyrics of the song vibrating through your phone shook Shizou to his core

'I just wanna live in this moment forever'

It stirred feelings within Shizou that made his heart race idiotically fast.

'Cause I'm afraid that living couldn't gеt any better
Started giving up on thе word "forever" '

These feelings felt painfully good.

You didn't understand why Shizou was behaving so strangely. If you were Rin, you would be filling a restraining order right now. Not that it could make much difference as Shizuo can get his big mafia daddy to chase you down to hell.

Damn. Good thing you are not Rin.

Shizuo would never love you romantically / yanderely.

'You're my angel, angel baby
Angel, you're my angel baby
Baby, you're my angel, angel baby'

You really are an angel aren't you? Shizuo thought. You pulled him away from hell and gave him salvation.

Still holding you down, Shizuo pulled away and stared into your eyes. His amethyst eyes glazed over with desire as a gentle blush rested on his face.

It was the classic yandere look.

'All the sick and twisted nights that I've been waiting for ya
They were worth it all along, yeah

I just wanna live in this moment forever'

If you were Rin, you would be sleeping with an eye open but it alright!
Everything is fine!

You are not the protagonist

You are safe from any deadly desires .

Your phone kept ringing on and on. After a while, Shizou finally let you go. For some reason you felt uncomfortable around him.

All your survival instincts rejected Shizuo Osamu.

You slowly stood up and grabbed your phone. Then you power walked out of them. Soon that converted into sprinting down the stares. Your phone rung once more. It was Sam.

You are late for rehearsal.

After a while of stumbling around in ths media building/wing, you finally found the theatre club.

Entering, you were immediately faced a teacher. Mr. Hart was dead-focused on a script.

Maybe if you crawl behind the pillar beams he wouldn't notice

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Maybe if you crawl behind the pillar beams he wouldn't notice..

"Miss F/n, what an unexpected surprise seeing you here this afternoon. " Mr. Hart said, still focused on the script


"F/n what are you doing? Couch casting for Mr. Hart. " Mark

"Aww bitch nah. You dont have to do none of that. I will help ya get the role in a legal way." Sam.

"She is legal years old. " Mark

"I.. I can explain? " You.

"Yeah explain why you are dressed like a tiny flasher? " Mark asked smirking.
You glared at him
"Listen here you skanky as--"
"Miss F/n may I have moment with you. "

"I will kill you later whore " you whispered in Mark's ear as Mr. Hart handed Sam the script.

You and Mr. Hart walked into a dressing room. Ooooh this is exciting. You wonder what's gonna happen.

Mr. Hart pulled out some alcohol from a mini fridge and poured himself a drink. You sat on the couch ready to be casted in the play.

He handed you a packet of chips and leaned against the vanity.

"I do beg your pardon for drinking at the job

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"I do beg your pardon for drinking at the job. "

"Can I get a drink too sire " you used sire to impress and maybe get in his pants quicker.

"May* and no you shall not. You are a student. And students are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages"

Well there goes all your couch casting hopes and dreams.

"Fucking hell. Can I just leave?"
"Yes you may but only after you inform me about your absence today. "

"Um... what  " Oh fuck he knows you bunked classes.

"You were absent for all your lessons after lunch break were you not, Miss F/n."

"Was I?.. Hmm not sure "

"Miss F/n are you perhaps confused about your own absence? "
Mr. Hart sighed after taking a swig of his drink.

"The only person who skipped more lessons than you is Shizou Osamu. So I believe it shouldnt be that confusing. "

"I need to get to practice Sir. Have a good day "
"I am not done talking Miss F/n--"
You run away and slammed the door shut.

"Fucking kids these days. "

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