[ch:3] 10

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It's been a few hours. The number of guests started to dwindle by now. Mrs. Murakami is quite disappointed in her younger son,Yato, for the unsocial behaviour he showcased today. He missed most of the ball and a lot of important guests. He seemed very focused on his brother date, F/n. This confused her given how low level of importance the Williams hold. Sure they maybe rich but so is everyone here.They don't have enough influence in the world of elites; so wasting time on a peasant like you is something she did not expect her sons to do. She needs to find her sons and give them a stern talking to. Especially Yato .


Yuta checked his ridiculously expensive yet boring-looking wrist watch. "Yato you should probably get going. Hide tonight."
Yato understood what his brother meant and quickly wiped his eyes. He stood up fast. Too fast, almost falling over.

"Where are you going?" Yato asked. Yuta's back was turned to Yato as he glared down to the courtyard.
"Oh I just have some business to take care of"

Yato nodded and just ran the opposite direction of the hallway he was on.


Satoshi decided to take you home for tonight. You will probably be more comfortable with him than in your home alone or god forbid with that dumb jock named Mark. With you cuddling into his arms like a bride,Satoshi was ready to leave--

"Well if it isn't my date... Oh she seems unconscious" Yuta stepped down the small steps leading into the courtyard. Moonlight illuminated all of him but his eyes. His gleaming golden eyes remained in the shadows but not hidden by any means.

"I am concussious (conscious)" you giggled completely unable to read the room. Satoshi gulped, trying not to show his fear. His grip tightened around your body.
"She-She is into-intoxicated."
That was the worst time to stutter. If he only he wasn't so broken and didn't have this dumb fluency speech disorder.

Yuta raised a brow
"Yes it would seem so. Well I suppose my next query would be. Why is she half naked and in your arms ?" Yuta put unnecessary emphasis on the word naked and squinted his eyes harshly as to accuse Satoshi of something nefarious.

Satoshi held onto you even tighter. He knows he didn't drug you. But it's so hard to talk under the stress of The Yuta Murakami.
"She h-has bee-been drinking a lot-lot as evidenced by th-this bottle on-on the floor. Sh-she kept th-throwing up on-on herself so I h-had to clean her up,an-and get rid of some of-of th-the outer lay-layers of clothing sh-she had been we-wearing. "

"Do... Dot you think my kidneys would issuee (sue) me if they could." you asked still having no grasp on the situation you are in

"How convenient.Pray tell how exactly did you find my date in this desolate courtyard which is much further away from ball room and all ball related festivities?"

This was a tough one. Satoshi is very much aware that there's no fucking believable reason as to how he found you beside the truth.Stalking.

"I st-stumbled up- upon her intoxicated body. Just as you-you did M-Mr. Murakami "

"Stumbled? Me? No no, I have been searching for my date for quite a long while. You on the other hand just happen to be on her?"

"Beep beep blep" you giggled to your funny sounds.

Satoshi gulped.This is it.
" Yes. I sup-suppose it is quite stra-strange. It could be that o-our very close friendship bi-binds us to-together to the point we can se-sense each other's pre-presence."

Yuta almost scoffed. Almost.
"That is quite a weird way of saying that I just stumbled upon her."

"I just sa-said that an-and you said it-it wasnt a va-valid excus--

"Your camera flash is on ."

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