Bᴀᴅ Dᴀʏ

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Summary: JJ goes to the chateau after a fight with his dad looking for John B, but instead he finds Kiara re-stocking the pantry.

There I was, again. Sitting on the cold wood floor choking on my own blood. Thanks to good old dad.
This time I got beaten up because, well I forgot to get his drugs for him. It's because I was helping Pope make deliveries for Heyward.

I didn't tell Dad that though.
He would take the money I earned. Normally after Me and Pops get into a fight I go to the chateau, John B knows about my Dad. So does Pope. But Kie, fuck no. She would worry to much and like force me to live with her, which I would love but I know her parents aren't a fan of me.

I found little strength to pull myself up and walk out the door. My Dad was passed out on the couch with his knuckles already bruising. Meanwhile my entire body was bloody and scarred. This was probably the worst it's been.

He took a couple jabs to my jaw and face. Split my lip. Then once i was on the ground, he kicked the shit out of me. It was bad and hurt like a bitch but I tried to be brave otherwise he would've called me and pussy and told me to man up. Probably hit me harder. Kicked me in the balls to. He kicked really hard there.

I don't think I'll be able to have children.

I walked myself to the chateau so I could get JB's first aid kit and clean myself up. Twinkie was out the front so I knew he was home. I walked in and immediately saw Kie putting some food in the shelf's of the kitchen. She had her back to me and I don't think she heard me.


I tried to walk back out as quick as possible but she spotted me.

"Hey J! Oh my god you will not believe what happened at the wreck today, so I was waitressing and then Raf- HOLY FUCK JJ"
She had noticed my bleeding body even though I tried to hide it.

She dropped the groceries and ran over to me. I sat down on the pull out couch because I was beginning to feel a bit dizzy and she pulled my chin up to inspect the damage.

"Who the fuck did this? I swear to god i'm going to kill those Kooks one day I mea-"
"Kiara. It wasn't them."
"What? Well then who was it."

I didn't want to say, she doesn't need to worry about me. God JJ you're so selfish. Why did you come to the chateau? you should've just stayed home and let it heal on its own.

"Kiara i'm fine ok."
"JJ you're sitting in front of me with a  bloody face abs bruises everywhere. Now tell me what the fuck happened?"
"I'm here"
She was kneeling in front of me holding my hands. It was calming my nerves. Maybe I should just say. It might not be as bad as you think. It's Kiara JJ for fuck sake. Your best friend since Kindergarten.

"It was my dad."
Tears begin to stream down her face.
"I shouldn't have said anything i'm sorry. Don't worry I'm fine I promise."

She stood up and pulled me into a hug.
"Shh Don't be sorry J."
Her hands were in my hair and it was the most peaceful feeling in the world. More than weed, and I love weed.

We stayed hugging for a couple of minutes. I broke down a little. She didn't let go. She just pulled me in tighter. I don't deserve her. I'm just a fuck up from the cut.

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