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Summary: Kiara and JJ are going on a walk along the beach at Poguelandia in the rain.

(JJ's POV:)
It was day 5 at Poguelandia, I think. We don't have a watch or a phone to tell so based off our guess it's day 5.

John B and Sarah are sitting at the fire with Kiara and I. Sarah's on his lap. Be careful now Sarah don't move. I can tell John B is shitting himself . Kie is sitting next to me on the log. Pope and Cleo are swimming.

We're all just talking but then I notice Kie looking up. Following her actions I see massive grey clouds coming our way. Shit looks like it's gonna rain.

"Damn I wanted to go for a walk on the beach" She groans
"Well just go now before the rain comes." I suggested
"Yeah ok, Wanna come or do you wanna third wheel?"
"See ya later lovebirds."
We all laughed and Kiara and I made our way down the beach.

(Sarah's POV:)

"Hey JB?"

"Yeah" he responded into my back

"What do you think about Kie and JJ?"

"I have been their biggest shipper since kindergarten Sarah. Pope and Kie were cute and all but Pope isn't her soulmate. He is" He said pointing towards JJ.

"Thank god i'm not the only one who noticed it."

He let out a small laugh.
I turned so that now I was facing him. Straddling him kind of.

"Ya know Kie used to talk about you guys a lot during her Kook year. All of you boys but, she would never shut up about JJ. I always suspected a crush but every time I asked or tried to get some information should we shut me down."

"Try dealing with JJ flirting with her for 13 years and he makes it way to obvious even though he tries to hide it. Maybe this whole private island thing will finally let them realize their feelings for each other."

"I sure do hope so." I say turning back around to watch them walk off together.

(JJ's POV:)

We were walking along the sand. The sky was now fully grey.

"Hey uh I never go to say it but um thanks for saving me." I blurt out. It's been on my mind a lot, she could've died but she still saved me.

"Don't say thank you, of course I would save you."

"You could've died Kie. It was stupid. You should've just gone straight to JB's life boat."

She looked at me like I was being crazy.

"Are you serious? I wasn't just gonna let you fucking drown. But fuck you scared the shit out of me. I thought you weren't going to wake up."

"You can't kill a pogue Kie."

"Yeah well he got pretty damn close. Besides I had to repay the favor."

I smirk fell onto my lips as I remembered how relieved I was when Pope and I were able to get her out of the Sewer. Now that was fucking stressful. I don't know what I would've done if we couldn't. Fuck my hearts racing just thinking about it.

"Although J you gotta learn how to duck. The machete got you good man."

"Hey I can duck!" I got a bit defensive. Plus i've been in more fights than she has so I have more experience.

"It's ok J we all have our weaknesses"
She begins to tease and make fun.

"Oh really?" I pretend to punch her and she ducks but falls grabbing onto me pulling me down with her.


It's starting to rain.

Kiara is now on top of me.

I have imagined this way too many times and now it's happening.

Not the way I wanted it to but i'm not complaining.

I just start busting out laughing and Kie begins to panic.

"Oh my god I am so so sorry. I did not mean to." She says as she begins to get up off me.

No why!

"Kiara don't be sorry it's fine." I say while still laughing.

She doesn't respond except she just walks away from me embarrassed and shy.

"Kie come back, it's fine." I was walking behind her

"Nope i'm gonna go drown, Toodles!" She yells out and I laugh even harder.

"Hey Hey come on!" I yell running up behind her.

Without even thinking I grabbed her wrist and spin her around.

And just like that...


I kiss her.

Holy fuck she is the best kisser. Her lips are soft and to my surprise she doesn't pull away. We went even further into the kiss.

Her hands were now roaming in my hair. I placed mine on her waist.

She pulled away and just looked at me. Smiling.


I leaned down so that are foreheads are touching.

"Aww your blushing." I say and she pushes my shoulder.

"Told you everything was fine." I whisper down into her ear.

She pulled me in by my shirt and crashed my lips back onto hers.

I hope this never ends.

Wow 2 in one day.
This is extremely rare. This idea just
randomly came to me.

We all want a Jiara rain kiss and I thought this would be a cute way in poguelandia.

Also we all know John B and Sarah are the biggest Jiara shippers.

ok love u cuties 🥺


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