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(kiara's pov:)

It had been a couple weeks since we had return to Kildare and I was locked away from the pogues. My parents insisted that I live their fantasy kook life otherwise they would send me straight to that boarding school. The pogues have been trying to contact me for days now. But even if I wanted to let them know what was going on, I couldn't. My parents also thought it would be best that they take my phone so they know I wasn't able to plan an escape with the help of my friends.

I have been miserable, I pretended to be sick for a week to avoid the Kook Academy, then used period cramps to stay home for another week. But in 2 days, I had to go to school, and I was dreading it. All I wanted was to be with pogues, my real family.
As I was lying down in bed trying to think of a plan, I heard a rock scratch against my window. I glanced over at the clock on my bed side table, 2:34am. I looked back at the window. I must be hearing things. I close my eyes again going back to my plan when the sound returned. What the fuck? I look down to see JJ standing in my backyard waving and signalling me to come down. I smile at him and lift up but it doesn't work. Seems my parents also decided to put a lock on my window to stop me from sneaking out. Pathetic. I pull the bobby pin out of my messy curls and begin to pick through the lock. I hear it click and lift up my window. "To easy." I mutter under my breath. I grab my vans and my ready to go pogue adventure bag (aka my back pack) and crawl out the window. I climb down the small frame of my house as quiet as I can. Once I make it to the ground I start sprint towards JJ who is running just as fast to me.

It's been so long since I've seen him or any of the pogues. I practically leap towards him and hug him as tight as I possibly can. He grabs onto me, his arms coming around my back while mine hold on to his neck. We don't say a word, just silence. Seconds pass and we both pull away.
"You have no idea how much I needed that." I whisper to him
"Me too Kie." And there is his warm JJ smile.

A light turns on in the kitchen and we both run. We make to the front of the house where the rest of the pogues wait for us, JJ jumps into the twinkie first while I'm close behind him.

"Kiara get your ass back here." I turn to see my mother and father screaming out to me.

"Kie come on hurry!" Everyone yells out to me.

I jump in and sit down on the stained carpet. I have little time before I'm being strangled to death by Sarah's hug.

"Kie! Holy fuck I have missed you so much." She says as if she's about to cry.

"What the fuck happened? We haven't seen or heard from you in 2 weeks." Pope is the first to ask and I don't even know to explain what went down.

"The short version is that my parents took my phone, forced me to live a kook life otherwise ya know boarding school, put a lock on my window and door so I couldn't see you guys or try to escape." I say all in one breath

"Yeah well let's not go back there huh" JJ says while pulling me up to one of the seats next to him.

So much emotion is building up in my chest right now, life has been so shit and now I'm back with my family and I don't even know what to do or say at this point and oh my god I'm going to cry.

Tears begin to pool in my eyes and I'm trying so hard to keep them in. Everyone begins talking over the top of each other and I am praying that no one notices me.

"Kie, you good?" John B asks and the van falls silent.

You have got to be kidding me, waterfalls literal waterfalls.

I can't control the tears at this point and JJ places his hand on my thigh comfortingly. Everyone looks extremely concerned considering I rarely cry and I begin to wonder if I'm actually on my period now.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I ditched you guys, I have been trying to come up with a plan to get back to you and I promise I won't leave again. I didn't mean to worry you either and I'm sorry you had to come get me I just, I'm really sorry."

I look up and we all burst out laughing. JJ places his arm around me and pulls me in for a side hug. "P4L am I right?"
"P4L." I say smiling up towards him.

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