Resurrections And Old Owners

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I open my eyes when I hear Liam scream so I stand and walk down the hall and to Liam's room and see Liam looking straight at me with a bloody eye and I'm just about to walk over to him when his neck gets snapped. And I look around and see someone I never wanted to see again so I scream loudly as get picked up from behind and thrown onto Liam's bed and stripped and kissed forcefully. And then I feel his tongue run over my bottom lip so I bite his tongue as hard as I can.
Causing him to whimper and punch me in the neck making me cry out then I feel him enter me forcefully making me scream and I only scream louder as Justin starts pulling extremely hard on my tail. And then I feel my nerves start to snap so I scream "Louis help me!!" Only to get punched again in the stomach making me scream. And then the door slams open and I look behind Justin and see Louis so I reach my arm out and say "P-Please m-make i-it s-stop." Then as Justin pulls really hard I scream then I feel my tail dettatch with a loud snap!! making me scream louder than I ever have then I feel Justin get shoved off of me and I look into Louis' blue eyes and I say "L-Lou i-it h-hurts." Then I black out and most of the light leaves my eyes and they shut.
Louis (Five minutes earlier.)
I'm watching t.v. with Zayn asleep next to me when I hear someone scream "Louis help me!!" And I realize it's Harry so I shake Zayn awake just as Harry screams again. And Zayn looks at me and I nod and run out of the room and down the hall to Liam's room and see Liam dead on the floor and then Harry on the bed getting fucked by Justin against his will and Harry looks at me and says "P-Please m-make i-it s-stop." Then I see Justin pull really hard on Harry's tail causing Harry to scream in pain again.
Then I hear a loud snap!! echo through the room and I see Harry's tail in Justin's hand just as Harry lets out a ear piercing scream. So I run up to the bed and shove Justin off him and pick up Harry's still shaking body and he looks into my eyes and says "L-Lou i-it h-hurts." Then most of the light leaves his eyes and they shut as he blacks out from pain and shock. And Then Zayn runs in and says "Lou I'll get Harry out of here you take care of Justin ok." And I nod and wipe the tears from my eyes and walk over to Harry's old owner.
And I back him up into a wall and choke him then my fangs expand and I aim my fangs for Justin's throat. And plunge them into his skin and start drinking and I keep drinking unil Justin's bone dry then I let his body drop to the ground with a dull thud. And then I spot something really furry lying on the ground so I pick it up and see it's Harry's tail so I walk out of the room and back to Harry's and see him lying on his bed eyes closed and back bleeding and bruised.
So I walk over to him and brush a few limp curls from his eyes and kiss his forehead softly then lay his tail next to him. And then Zayn walks in and says "Lou I'm going to try to reattatch his tail to his body again." And I say "Please try Zayn I can't loose him again." And Zayn nods and goes to stitch up Harry's tail and I hand him the tail and accidentally touch the bloody tip making my eyes water. And Zayn notices and says "Lou don't worry he hasn't lost a lot of blood just a little bit." And I nod and lean back into my chair.
I open my eyes and see Louis looking at me so I shut my eyes and hold my breath a little to tease him. And I hear him say "Harry please don't die kitten." And I let out a weak mewl before holding my breath. And I open my eyes and hug Louis only to see that its not Louis it's Justin so I let out a scream and back up only to be met with Louis' chest so I say "Lou don't let him hurt me!!" And Louis says "Don't worry Harry its just Zayn." And I look and see that it actually is Zayn so I say "Sorry." And Zayn says "Don't be Harry its understandable."
And I nod and yawn and nuzzle my head into Louis' chest a purr vibrating through my chest and Louis says "Harry what are you doing?" And I say "Eat." Not able to pronounce the H. And Louis says "Oh right I forgot you do that." And I nod and look down at my boner hissing at it. And Louis laughs so I climb off of him and crawl under the bed wrapping my arms and tail around me. And Zayn says "Lou slight problem." And Louis says "Don't tell me you too right?" And then Zayn crawls next to me and does the same with his arms and tail.
And Louis gets eye level with us and says "Aww guys come on." And I hold out my hand and he takes it and pulls me out from under the bed. And I look at my boner and hiss at it again. And I look up at Louis and say "Make it go away." And Louis says "Alright." And he strips my pants and boxers leaving my lower half bare and still bruised badly. So I whimper and look at Louis only to have him grab my cock and start stroking it making me purr loudly in pleasure and Louis looks up at me making me cum hard into his mouth.
But my boner doesn't go down so he makes me cum a second time then a third and I'm left panting so I curl up in Louis' lap and fall asleep purring really loudly.

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