Heart Break And Kidnappings

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I look at Louis and say "Of course I'd love to marry you." And he smiles and kisses me and I say "I'm going to try and sleep I'm knackered." And Louis nods and takes our daughter from me. And I say "I'll name her Angelina." (My real name.) And Louis says "It's perfect Haz." And I smile and close my eyes. And then I wake up to hear moaning coming from Liam's room so I stand and walk to Liam's room and see.
Louis on Liam's bed fucking him so I say quietly and softly "L-Louis." And he looks up and says "Harry babe you shouldn't be here!!" And I say "H-How could you Louis I loved you!!" And Louis says "Harry please just go back to bed." And I say "Like hell I'm marrying you now!! You cock sucking hobknocker!!" And then I pull my wedding ring off and throw it on the floor and watch it land at Louis' feet. And then I run out of the room in tears and to Zayn's.
And I walk in and say "Niall." And Niall says "Harry whats wrong?!" And I say "Louis had a affair." And he says "With who?" And I say "With Liam." And I walk to Niall and sit next to him and then I start sobbing loudly then I feel Niall pull me into his chest and rub my back soothingly. And I say "The fucktard." And then Zayn walks in and says "Harry what happened?" And I say "Well lets see my plonker of a fiance had an affair with my best friend!! the arse the fucking cunt."
And Niall says "Zayn can you watch him while I go talk with Louis." And Zayn says "Sure." And then I feel Niall hand me to Zayn. And then walk out of the room and then Zayn says "Harry if Louis was randy enough to do that then he doesn't deserve you." And I say "Yeah the bellend actually Zayn I called him a hobknocker." And Zayn laughs and says "Really?" And I nod and lay on the bed and pull Zayn down so he's laying next to me.
And I say "Can you sleep with me?" And Zayn nods and pulls me onto his chest and the last thing I see before I'm knocked out. Is Zayn's guilty face.
I look at Harry and tie him up then lift him over my shoulder and carry him outside and to Justin's car then walk back inside and write a note to Louis saying how I never want to see him again. And how I'm running away with Harry. And that we're never coming back and how Harry never wants to see him again either then leave it in my room on the bed. Then I walk out to the car and climb inside and sit next to Justin and kiss him on the cheek softly.
Then 30 minutes later we arrive at his house and I pick Harry up and walk inside behind Justin then I carry him to the basement and gently lay him on the floor against the wall. And then I untie him and go to walk upstairs only to find the door locked so I say "Justin you fucktard!!" Then Harry moans so I walk over to him and say "Harry can you hear me?" And he says "Zayn your a fucking bellend and a hobknocker and a fanny and a arse!!"
And I say "I'm sorry Harry I didn't even want to do this!!" Only to get backhanded.
I look at Zayn and say "Your as useful as tits on a bull." And Zayn says "Yeah I know but your the twonk!!" And I say "Bellend." And Zayn's interrupted by Justin walking in and he says "Harry come here." And I say "Piss off!!" And then Justin growls and says "Harry get over here you twat." And I whimper and crawl over to him. And then I'm pulled off of the ground by my hair and then Justin puts something around my neck and throws me onto the ground again.
And I look and see Justin cornering a shaking Zayn and Zayn looks at me with dialated eyes and I say "Justin leave him alone you abuser!!" And Justin freezes and says "You did not want to do that Harold." And then he pulls out a whip and slowly walks over to me and rips my shirt off and turns me around. And then brings the whip down making me scream then after 1,000 marks he turns me around and does 3,000 to my front.
And then he walks out and I look at Zayn and mewl weakly then the light leaves my eyes and I stand only to collapse.

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