Whippings Panic Attacks And Extremely Sick Harry's

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I walk towards Zayn's room and see him in nothing but tight black boxers so I walk up to him and say "Now Zayn do you know why you're being punished?" And Zayn says "Yes because I was rude." And I say "Very good Zayn now strip." And Zayn removes his boxers leaving himself completely bare. So I walk over to the closet and pull out a short leather whip and chains and cuffs and I walk back over to the shaking Calico and grab his left wrist and cuff it to the left bed post and then I do the same to his other wrist and then I say "You'll get 16 lashes if you scream I'll start over but harder got it Zayn."
And Zayn nods and says "Yes Louis." And I say "Good." Then I bring the whip down on his ass making him whimper but stay silent. And I bring the second one down and so on until he has fifteen bleeding lashes scattered all over his ass and lower back. Then I bring down the last one as hard as I can making him whimper again and I see his ears fold back and his tail swish showing he's anxious. And I undo the cuffs and rub cream all over the lashes then say "I hope you don't make me do worse to you."
And Zayn nods and says "I promise I won't." And I say "Cause if you do I won't hesitate to rip your tail off." And Zayn says "But Lou! That could kill me!!" And I say "Well then I suggest you behave Malik." And I stand and walk out and to Harry's room and I knock and then walk in and see Liam kissing Harry forcefully so I say "Liam James Payne!!" And my yell makes Liam jump and stop kissing Harry long enough for Harry to run away from the bed and behind me while crying so hard he's gagging.
So I turn around and say "Easy Harry calm down." And his face turns pale as he gags really hard and pukes so I say "Harry you ok?" And Harry says "N-No!!" And I then say "Niall!!" And Niall appears and says "Yes Lou?" And I say "Clean Harry up while I take care of Liam." And Niall looks at Harry and says "Sure Lou. Come on Harry." And Harry says "Lou don't leave me." And I say "Don't worry kitten I'll be right in as soon as I punish Liam."
And Harry looks up at me and starts crying again and I say "Harry calm down come on baby." And he doesn't listen and only cries harder only to start gagging again. And I say "Harry please don't throw up baby." And he says "Lou I can't breathe!!" And I say "Liam don't expect to not get punished later." And Liam nods and says "Is he alright?" And I say "No he's having a panic attack Liam I warned you that this would happen yet you went and kissed him when he's been abused!!"
I look up at Louis only to see him yelling making me start crying again as I back up into the closest thing Niall's chest and so I turn around and bury my face in his chest and I say "N-Niall make him stop!!" And I barely hear Niall say "Louis your not helping the situation by yelling!!" And Louis looks at me and reaches out to touch me making me hiss and then start gagging again. Then my face pales and I throw up my stomach bile and then I feel someone touch my forehead making me flinch and look up.
And I see not Louis but Justin making my pupils dialate in fear as the fur on my tail stands up straight and I growl showing my cat like fangs.
I look at Harry and see his pupils dialate and the fur on his tail stands up straight and then he growls at me showing his fangs. So I say "Harry you ok?" And he says "Don't you fucking touch me Tomlinson." And I look at Niall and see him looking nervous so I say "Niall you ok?" And he says "Yeah I'm ok he's just getting defensive because of his past." And then I'm on my back with Harry on top of me and I notice his tails swishing so I say "Harry calm down please kitten." And then he grabs my shirts neck line and rips my shirt in half.
Revealing my chest and stomach and then I feel his fangs on my collar bone and then Harry's fangs pierce into my skin and slowly go down creating long heavily bleeding gashes. And I say "Harry please stop." Then let out a really loud whimper as I feel his fangs on my stomach. And I look at him with tears in my eyes making him freeze and say "Oh god Lou I'm so sorry!!" And I say "Wrong move you freakish bitch!!" And my mood changes from anger to guilt as I see Harrys red rimmed eyes and quivering lip.
And I say "Harry I'm sorry!!" And Harry says "No don't I get it I'm a freak and I always will be you didn't have to tell me what I already know." And I say "No Haz your not a freak I'm sorry I was just mad." And Harry says "Lou I don't feel well." And I carefully feel his forehead and find it hot so I say "Liam can you get me a thermometer?" And Liam says "Sure." And I say "And also Liam your forgiven for what you did." And Liam smiles and walks out of the room and returns with a thermometer.
And I say "Harry baby can you open your mouth." And he opens his mouth and I put the thermometer inside and he closes his mouth and after a few minutes it starts beeping. And I pull it out and see it reads 103.9 degrees so I say "Harry you have a slight fever but its nothing serious." And he says "Lou I feel sleepy." And I say "You need to rest Harry." And I pick him up and motion for Liam to pull the blankets back and I place Harry gently on the bed and pull the blankets over him.
And he looks at me and says "Lay with me?" And I'm about to say something when he gives me his kitty cat eyes his pupils dialating largely until his eyes are almost all black and I say "Of course." And I lay next to him and gently pull him into my chest so I don't hurt him and I look at Liam and Niall and say "You guys can go now but first can you bring me a wash cloth and a bowl of cold water and some blood?" And Niall says "Sure we'll get right to that Lou." And they both walk out.
And I look at Harry and see him looking at me with big pain filled green eyes and I say "Oh Harry just shut your eyes I won't let anything hurt you I promise kitten." And he nods and closes his eyes and his breathing eventually evens out. And I wrap a arm around him and feel him shaking so I stand and grab a few extra blankets from his closet. And then I walk back over to the bed and gently wrap the blankets on Harry's trembling figure.
And then I lay back down next to him and pull him into my chest and then I feel him roll around and then I feel his tounge cleaning the bite trail from my collar bone to my V line. And I notice how cat-like his tongue is and then Liam quietly opens the door and walks up to my side of the bed and set the bowl and cloth down and then sets the blood bottle down and walks out again. Quietly shutting the door behind him and so I feel Harrys forehead and find it really hot.
So I grab the wash cloth and soak it in the cold water then ring most of the water out then I gently press the cloth to Harrys forehead. And I then feel Harry start purring making me sigh and I rub my thumb on his cheek in a caring and loving way. And then I eventually fall asleep with my kitten safe in my arms.
I wake up sweating like mad in Louis' arms so I say hoarsely "Lou." And he opens his eyes and says "Harry how you feeling kitten?" And I say "Like utter shit." And Louis says "Let me check your fever." And he grabs the thermometer and I open my mouth and he places it in and then it beeps and I see it says 105.9 degrees and I say "Lou I feel faint." And he says "Here I got it." And he takes the extra blankets off and I then feeling the cold air on my skin start shivering and I say "Lou its cold its really, really cold."
And I try to get some warmth back into my shivering body only to groan in pain as I over work my aching muscles and I look at him and see him looking at me concerned. And then a knock on the door breaks the comfortable silence and so I say "Enter." And I see Zayn walk in and he says "Hey Harry how you feeling?" And I say hoarsely "Just bloody awful." And he walks up to my side of the bed only to be stopped by Louis so I say "Lou its ok he won't hurt me." And Louis nods and lays back down next to me.
And Zayn sits down on my side and says "Harry about yesterday I'm sorry." And I say quietly "Its ok Zayn I forgive you." And he smiles and says "Really thanks Harry!!" And I say "No problem Zaynie." And then Zayn says "Harry don't talk so much your loosing your voice." And I say quietly "No I'm not." And I clear my throat and say "Lou I'm hungry." And Louis says "Ok what would you like?" And I say "Two salmons." And I look at Zayn and smile.And he smiles back and Louis says "Ok I'll be right back with that kitten." And I smile at him and kiss him lightly on the mouth. And I feel him kiss back and then I taste the blood on his lips making me start gagging. And so I pull back gagging extremely forcefully and then I lean over the bed and throw up blood and mucus. And I look up at Zayn and see him looking shocked so I say "It hurts." And Zayn says "What hurts?" And I say "Everything mostly my stomach."
I look at Harry and see nothing but pain clouding his eyes and I say "Louis I think he needs blood." And Louis says "No that could poison him Zayn." And I say "Louis he's dying." And Louis says "Alright we'll try it." And he grabs a bottle of blood and pulls out a baby bottle and he pours the blood into it and then puts the nipple back on it and says "Here Harry try this." And Harry looks at him and opens his mouth and Louis puts the bottle into his mouth and I see Harry start drinking and slowly the bottle empties.
And then Harry gently pushes the bottle away and I notice how pale his skin is and I look and see Harry mewl weakly before falling asleep.
I look at my poor kitten and carefully brush a few limp curls away from his face and kiss his forehead softly. And I look at Zayn and say "Can you get Liam please Zayn?" And he nods and walks out of the room. Then a few minutes later Liam walks in and says "So whats wrong exactly Lou?" And I say "Harrys slowly dying and I don't know what to do." And Liam says "Well apparently Harrys just in really bad condition from stress and everything that happened with his old owner and yesterday it caused him to fall severely ill."
And I let out a whimper and look down and I feel Liam gently lift my head so my watery eyes are level with his. And I say "Liam can you set up some machines to monitor him please I can't loose him." And Liam nods and says "Of course Lou." And then he walks out again. And I look at Harry and see his pale white skin and limp and lifeless hair and hallowed eyes and cheeks and I whisper to him "Harry please don't give up I love you and I really hope you'll pull through so please kitten stay strong and I'll look after you."
And then Liam walks back in with a IV and a heart monitor and he inserts the IV into Harrys arm and then puts these little suction cups and firmly presses them just above Harrys left nipple. And then sets up the machine and then it starts beeping slowly and I say "Liam whats his chance at making it?" And Liam says "Less than 50% Lou don't get your hopes up." And I nod and say "Can you send Zayn in here please." And Liam nods and walks out.
And then Zayn walks in and says "Lou you alright?" And I feel tears pricking my eyes and then I break and start sobbing and I say "He only has less than a 50% chance at living through this!!" And Zayn sits next to me and hugs me and I start sobbing even louder and I'm crying so hard I'm feeling dizzy. And I say "I can't loose him Zayn I love him." And Zayn says "Shh Lou calm down you'll wake Niall up." And I say "Sorry. But I promised him I wouldn't let anything happen to him!!"
I look at Louis and see him in tears and then I look at Harry and see him pale, lifeless, and just plain ghastly. And I say "Lou its ok." And Louis says "No it isn't!!" And I say "Louis he needs blood to keep from dying." And Louis nods and says "Your right." And then he says "Liam!!" And Liam walks in. And I say "Could it be possible that Harry needs blood." And Liam says "Its a possibility I'll go get some." And he walks out of the room.

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