Saving Styles

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I look shocked at my boyfriend holding a knife to his throat so I say "Louis stop!! Please!!"
And he looks up and says "Harry!! Your alive!!" And I say "Yeah I am." And then Louis drops the knife and runs to me and I look down at him and say "Were you always this short?" And he says "No you grew a lot." And I say "Yeah well after all I am 21." And Louis says "Damn Hazza." And I say "I know right." And Louis looks closely and says "Are you part vampire part cat?" And I say "Yeah I think so."
And I say "Louis whats that smell?" And Louis says "Hold on." And I turn and see Niall with a bleeding shoulder. So I say "Shit Lou I can't be here." And I take a deep breath and smelling the blood my fangs expand and I say "Niall please just come here." And Niall slowly makes his way over to me. So I run at him and pin him to the wall my vampire fully controlling me and I look at Niall and say "Scratch behind my ears Niall." And he does.
And I purr and say "Just a little sip please." And Niall nods and I say "Just slap me if I don't stop ok." And he nods and I pierce my fangs into his shoulder and start drinking. And I keep drinking and just keep continuing and not finding the urge to stop. And only when Niall slaps me do I come to my senses and say "Sorry Niall."
And says "It's alright Harry you can't help it if your instincts compel you to drink everything that bleeds." And I say "Niall I think you might have high blood pressure." And he says "How can you tell?" And I say "I can taste it in your blood you moron." And Niall says "Harry you ok?" And I say "No you poisoned me!!" And I look at Louis and say "Please get the blood out of my system." Then I faint.
I look at Harry and see him collapse so I run to him and catch him and drag him over to the bed. And lay him on it and say "Niall can you get me a bowl and a bag of B blood."And Niall nods and walks out. And I brush a few strands of hair away from Harry's eyes and I notice something peaking out from the collar of his shirt so I rip his shirt open and see five tattoos on Harry's chest two swallows on his chest a butterfly bellow his pecs and two ferns on his V line.
So I trace the butterfly on his lower chest making him start laughing as my finger brushes his ribs and pecs. And I say "Ticklish?" And he says "A little." And then he says "How would one turn a vampire from good to evil?" And I say "You'd have to kill it and then feed it the blood of a dark vampire." And then Niall walks in and sets the stuff down and says "Lou Justin's here for Harry and Zayn he already got Zayn and is coming for Harry next."
I open my eyes at what Niall says and I say "Lou don't let Justin take me away again." And I look up at Louis with watery eyes and then I start singing "If we could only have this life for one more day if we could only turn back time." And Louis' interrupted by Justin saying "I don't even know why you continue singing with how bloody terrible you are." (For one thing this is only for the story Harry has an amazing voice and is not terrible at all.)
And I say "Well your right about one thing I'm awful at singing and I always will be." And I look up at Louis and say "Am I good at singing?" And Louis says "No you-" And I say "Justin can I go with you?" And Justin says "Of course you can kitten." And I smile and stand and walk over to Justin and say "I missed you." And he says "And I missed you kitten. I hear you have a daughter can I see her?"
And I say "Yeah in fact I'll be taking her with me." And I look at Louis and flip him off. Making him tear up and I say "Fucking gay rapist." And then I see Louis' eyes harden and he storms over to me and slaps me as hard as he can. Making me growl and hiss at him and I look at him and growl and when he goes to touch me I bite him hard breaking a bone in his hand.
And I say "Justin kill the bastard." And he nods and throws Louis into a wall knocking him out. But not killing him so I smirk and say "Angel come here!!" And she says "Yeah dad?" And I say "Lets go to uncle Justin's house ok." And she says "Sure I'll just go get a few things." And she walks out again and then walks back in with her Harry Styles cut out and her duvet and her IPad and her Bleu De Chanel cologne.
And I say "Is that my cologne?" And she says "Of course it is you fucking pussy." And Niall laughs and says "Damn yep she inherited Louis' sass for sure." And I say "Niall please fuck off." And Niall nods and shuts up. And I say "Niall come here." And he walks to me and I say "Drink." And I hold out my arm and he shrugs and bites and starts drinking. And I see Niall's body change from the inside out.
And then he stops drinking and says "Harry what did you do to me?!" And I say "Oh I just changed you into a vampire by feeding you my blood." And I say "Now say goodbye to Louis Niall." And then I knock him out.
I wake up and see Zayn looking at me so I say "Zayn what happened where am I?" And Zayn says "Well your in Justin's basement Niall." And I say "That fucking bastard tricked me!!" And Zayn says "Whoa wait what bastard tricked you?" And I say "Harry that fucking bloodsucker tricked me!!" And Zayn says "Wait Harry was the one who knocked you out?" And I say "Yeah bitch of course he was he double crossed me!!"
And I say "Zayn you mind if I punch you?" And he says "Not at all." And I punch him and he collapses knocked out while bleeding from the cut I created on his forehead. And then the door opens and Justin and Harry walk in and I say "What up mother fucker?!" And Harry says "Don't test me Horan." And I say "You fucking clunge!!"
And he walks up to me and backs me up against the wall and then presses his hand to my throat choking me. So I say "Zayn help me!!" And Zayn stirs and sits up and says "Niall!! Harry you bastard let him go!!" And Harry lets go of me then grabs both my arms. And I look at Zayn and say "Please help."
I look at Zayn and smirk and pull a little on Niall's arms making him whimper so I pull a little more. And then I pull really hard making Niall's arms break off and then I back up and let Justin make the final kill but I stop him and grab Niall's head and pull on it really hard making it detach from his body. And then I let go of his body making it fall onto the ground and my feet.
And I then walk over to Justin and stand next to him and he hugs me and I rest my head on his shoulder. As he puts an arm around mine and I say "What a pussy." And Justin says "I know right." And then we both start laughing making Zayn say "Harry you fucking psycho bitch!!" And I say "Asshole." Then we start laughing again.
And then we're interrupted by "Harry whats going on?" And I turn around and see Louis so I say "Hey Lou long time no see." And Louis says "Come on Harry we're leaving." And I say "What are you fucking nuts?" And then me and Justin start laughing again. And Louis says "Harry please this isn't you." And I say "Your right its a better version of me."
And I look at Louis and say "If I'm going to be bad I guess we could start with another murder what do you say Justin?" And Justin says "Yeah actually what about a homicide instead kitten?" And my tail swishes in appreciation and I purr. And say "Yeah but who do we kill and how." And Justin says "How about Louis and we could cut his organs out." And I say "Yeah good plan Justin now grab him!!"
And Justin grabs Louis and wrestles him to the ground and I pull out my knife and walk over to Louis. And say "Justin you don't have to hold him." And Justin lets go of Louis and Louis runs at me and grabs the knife and then run at Justin and raises the knife but Justin grabs it and is about to stab him when I run and grab his arm only to get thrown against the wall and knocked out.

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