Rescue's And Escapes And Amnesia

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I open my eyes and see Zayn looking at me so I say "Zayn." And he says "Harry!!" And I crawl over to him and say "Lets get out of here." And Zayn nods and helps me stand. And then I follow Zayn out of the basement and onto the roof. And I look down and see Louis and Niall and Liam so I say "Louis!!" And Louis looks up and says "Harry!! Be careful I'm coming to get you!!" And I nod and go to sit down only to slip. And slide down the roof and stop on the edge of the roof so I say terrified "Louis help I'm slipping!!"
And Louis says "Hold on Harry I'm coming!!" And I say "Hurry!!" And then Louis disappears inside the house. And I look down only to slip more so I'm holding on with only my hands now so I say "Zayn help me please!!" And then I feel Zayn trying to pull me up only to nearly fall off the roof as well so he backs up and says "Harry I'm sorry I can't do it not by myself." And I say "It's ok Zayn at least you tried." And then I hear someone run onto the roof and say "Harry hold on kitten I'm coming." And I say "Louis please hurry I'm slipping."
And then I feel him try to pull me up so I slip even more so I'm holding on by the tips of my fingers so I look up and say "Lou I'm sorry." And Louis says "No Harry I'm sorry." And I smile and try to pull myself up only to slip more and I feel Louis try to grab me only to miss and I fall and feel my back hit the hard pavement.
I look at Harry and see him fall then hit the ground so I jump after him and land on my feet next to him. And I see him lying broken on the floor so I try and feel a pulse only to feel a very light one so I look at Niall and say "Help me lift him." And Niall nods and grabs Harry's feet. And then helps me lift him into my arms and then I look at Zayn and see him slip and fall off the roof and land with a loud crack on his back.
And I see Niall run to him and pick him up and I see Zayn's tail bent in a not normal way so I say "Broken?" And Niall nods. And then we all walk back to my house and I lay Harry on his bed and kneel next to him. Then a few hours later Harry opens his eyes and says "Where am I where's Gemma?" And I say "Harry how you feeling?" And Harry says "Who are you and where's my sister!!" And I say "Harry I'm your new owner." And Harry says "No you aren't Justin is!!" And I say "Maybe this will help you remember."
And I grab Harry's wedding ring and put it on his finger and he looks at me and says "I think I'm remembering." And I smile and say "Remembering what?" And he says "When I first came here." And I say "Well that's good anything else?" And he says "No sorry Louis." And I say "Harry you remembered my name!!"
And he looks at me and says "Louis I remember you everything!!" And I say "Well that's good I thought I lost you kitten." And he hugs me and says "You couldn't loose me even if you wanted to." And I say "Good cause I'd never want to loose you." And Harry looks at me and smiles and I help him up. And help him walk to Zayn's room where Zayn and Niall are and I see Niall sitting next to a currently comatose Zayn.

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