Panic Attacks And Pregnant Harry's

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I look at Louis and see him looking at me with guilt filling his carribean eyes and he reaches out to touch me making my ears flatten straight on my head and my tail stays still and my eyes dialate. And I start shaking making Louis tear up and I say "P-Please don't hurt me!!" And I move as far away from him as I can and then suddenly my breathing speeds up and I start shaking even harder and my vison blurs and my heart rate speeds up.
I look at Harry and he says "P-Please don't hurt me!!" And I feel my heart break and my eyes start to tear up. And he then moves as far from me as he can then I'm just about to move over to where he is when he suddenly starts shaking even harder than he already was. And then his breathing speeds up and I can hear his heart rate shoot up so I move over to him and try and get him to focus on me only to have him bite my arm and he looks at me and his eyes dialate even more and he bites harder.
Causing me to yell "Zayn!!" And Zayn runs in and I say "Help." And Zayn says "Right." And then Harry starts sucking and I feel him leech some blood out of my arm. And then I carefully take my arm out of his mouth and I say "Harry what was that about?" And Harry says "I just needed blood and badly." And I say "Come here kitten." And he crawls cat-like over to me. And cuddles into my chest falling asleep quickly.
And I look at Zayn and say "You can go now." And Zayn nods and says "It's weird hybrids don't usually drink blood." And I say "Yeah I know." And I look at Harry and see his lips are parted showing his blood stained cat fangs and then he turns and starts sucking on my hand then bites and starts drinking again while purring. And then I start feeling weak so I pull my hand away and I look at Harry only to be met with his emerald eyes.
And I turn to Zayn and say "Can you get Liam so he can check Harry." And Zayn nods and walks out and I turn to Harry and see him passed out. And I sigh and brush a few stray limp curls out from his eyes only to feel his forehead burning up again. So I grab the wash cloth and dip it into the water and then ring it out and place it on Harry's head only to feel it warm up instantly. So I grab the thermometer and carefully open Harry's mouth and place it inside then it beeps so I take it out.
And see it reads 120.9 degrees so I turn the temperature down on his bed and then turn the fan on and aim it at Harry but grab a very thin blanket and put it over Harry's still body. And then I lay next to him and gently kiss his forehead and then check his temperature and see it reads 130.9 and I say "Oh Harry whats happening to you why won't you get better?" And then Liam walks in and says "What wrong?" And I say "It's Harry he just keeps getting worse here's his latest temperature."
And I give Liam the thermometer and he says "You mind if I check him?" And I say "What are you going to do?!" And he says "Just check his stomach from the inside." And I nod but watch Harry closely so Liam doesn't do anything to hurt him. And when Liam sticks his fingers inside him Harry cries out jerking forward so I growl and say "Liam please just stop." And Liam nods and starts to pull out when his eyes widen and he says "There's something inside him."

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