To You, 2000 Years from Now

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It was quiet ... Uncomfortably quiet... it was the silence before the storm... and a soldier was sitting above the roof documenting the event of the day wearing her uniform and green cape. 

"How is it up here?" another soldier said after using the ODM gear to reach her. 

"nothing unusual.." the soldier said observing the scene "do you really think she is a Titan?"

"I don't know... do you?" she said drawing out her blades. 

"it's just... hard to think about, after all we've been through" she shook her head thinking about it. 

the standing soldier looked at the other "stay sharp.. if she is, then she is the enemy and nothing will change that.." she said and prepared to jump "let's go" 

she sighed and stood up and put on her hood then jumped using her gear. 

They went to the point where they saw people trying to stop someone but lightning struck between them and everyone was knocked out. 

the soldier opened her eyes and saw the other above her checking on her "you good?" 

"yeah.." she said groaning. 

"Good, let's go after her" she said and used her gear. 

"Come on, let's go" a soldier offered his hand to help her "this is our only chance to capture her"

She used her gear and saw the titan from afar soldiers were trying to attack her but she was using her hardening to defend herself.

She got close and waited for an opening.. when she saw it she used her gear to get above her from her right side but met with the titan's hand. She reacted quickly and cut off the titan's fingers then went after the nape but it was hardened and broke the blades.

she stood above the roof and replaced her damaged blades to attack again but the two girls stopped her "don't be reckless!"

They stood beside each other and the titan was looking at them with wide eyes until lightning struck from behind... "Eren" 

the ground trembled as the titan was running towards the female titan "ROOOOOOOOOOOAR"....... 

You know the story. two boys and a girl. three young friends sitting by the lake in Shiganshina... talking and fantasizing about the outside world as if it's some kind of a paradise. when suddenly a lightning bolt struck and the ground trembled... They went closer to the wall and saw a huge hand holding its top with smoke coming from the other side, and a titan's head appeared above the wall.

The walls that stood high above everything else protecting the rest of humanity from extinction for 100 years met the day to be breached.

you know their names, Eren, Armin and Mikasa... but this isn't their story. 

as the titans entered the town of Shiganshina... people were running for their lives to cross the gate of wall Maria, two parents were holding their daughter and finally made it behind the gate... the mother tripped and fell to the ground, hurting her legs but the brave father stopped running "stay here" he told his daughter and returned to his wife "come on Ume up up" he lifted her from the ground. 

"Yongi... leave me here and save our daughter... it's not safe anymore and I will only slow you down" she pleaded to her husband crying from her pain. 

"I'm not leaving you behind! we will make it to a safe distance and all will be fine.." he said with determination and started running. 

"Mama... Papa!" the girl exclaimed running towards her parents when suddenly the inside gate was breached and a huge rock came in their direction. 

the father took a glance behind him and saw the rock "YUZU STAY AWAAA-" he was shouting but the rock came down at them... blood splattered and the girl barely avoided it, but the impact made her fly backwards and hit her head rendering her unconscious. 

a man saw her and quickly ran towards her and took her with him. 

The titan that breached the inner wall stopped running and looked in front of him at the people as they were running... suddenly he spotted a young girl standing alone.. not running.. not screaming.. just standing in front of him staring at him with the most menacing look on her face. 

The titan stared back at her and smoke came out from his mouth and fog filled the place around him. 

a soldier with a horse came and took her with him. 

"... mama?" Yuzu opened her eyes and looked around her.. she was in a boat full of terrified people. "Mama!" She stood up and ran to the edge of the boat crying "no mama papa!" But people held her and calmed her down but she kept crying.

"I WILL KILL THEM ALL.." She heard a boy talking and looked at him. He was looking at the wall crying and shouting "I WILL EXTERMINATE THEM FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH... EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!"

another girl was sitting close to him... She looked at her shaking hand and clenched it... she made a silent promise to herself.

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