That Day

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Over a hundred years ago, humanity suddenly found itself facing a new predator. More powerful than any enemy they faced before... Humanity was immediately pushed to the brink of extinction.

The survivors built three walls. Maria, Rose, and Sina. There, they enjoyed a century of peace. However...


That day, humanity found itself facing the same enemy again. The peace they enjoyed for over a hundred years was suddenly ripped away, and their freedom was no more...

after the fall of Shiganshina, mothers were eaten... fathers were killed... families were destroyed... and homes were abandoned. A girl saw her parents getting squished before her eyes and a scream of agony was heard from a young boy, making some people feel sorry for him and some were... determined.

Those who were living inside wall Maria were forced to fall back within wall Rose and during that time, the Titans consumed thousands of people.

"Hey, Don't cut the line!"
"Shut up!... I haven't eaten anything since last night!"

The refugees were gathered in a place where they were offered food and a place to sleep, but there were a lot of people and not a lot of food and that led some to fight for their food.

"It's not yet certain that we'll survive"
"Eren, Mikasa!"
"Look... I got here in time, my grandfather got these for us kids" Armin said giving his friends bread
"Thank you"

*sniff* *sniff*

"Hmm?" the three of them looked at their side as they heard sniffing and crying... they saw a young blonde girl sitting by the wall and hugging her knees crying softly.

"Hey..." Armin crouched in front of the girl checking on her "are you ok?"

She slowly looked up and saw them staring at her, she flinched and looked down.
"Hu... H-Hungry" she said nervously.

"You can get food from there" Eren said pointing at the line.

"You scared?" Mikasa asked looking behind her wondering what was scary.
"Many... many people"

"Tch" they looked behind them and saw a soldier looking at them with pity and anger then left them.

"What's his problem?" Eren said upset.
"There is nothing we can do... I don't think there's enough food for everyone"

"Here, you can take this" Mikasa said giving the girl her bread.

She slowly and carefully looked up at Mikasa with some tears in her eyes and looked at the bread.
"R-really?... but... but y-your food"

"It's ok" Mikasa said smiling but before the girl can take it Mikasa heard something and turned around.

"what are you doing, stupid kid!"
"ow!... aargh"

She saw two soldiers kicking Eren to the ground.

"You have no idea... You've never even seen it... YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN THE WAY THEY EAT PEOPLE!" Eren screamed at him for saying stupid things about the refugees.

"Shut up!" the soldier took a step forward to hit him again but a young girl with dark hair stood in front of him looking down.

"Please don't hit him..." she said making them surprised.

"Move away or you will be hit instead!" the soldier threatened her but she didn't move.

He raised his hand and slapped her with the back of his palm... she took the hit without flinching and stood still.
"the only reason you aren't starving is because of us, got it!" he said and walked away "even a kid should show gratitude!"

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