I have a test in all of my classes today unfortunately I spent all night studying for them and so did Harry. Anne came in my room Ludo was sleeping peacefully beside me he helped me study last night. Anne woke me up and Ludo trotted out of my room so he could use the restroom. I groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I was extremely exhausted from studying. I quickly packed my back pack and walked out of my room and into the bathroom. I had a long week full of notes and Lucy being a bitch and bullying me for no damn reason Harry has also started packing a little bit which really sucks. After I forcefully got up I yawned and stretched and walked out of my room and into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used it and walked back into my room. Harry shoved me against the wall slightly and he started kissing me passionately I gripped his hips and he pulled back and we both started smiling and I bit my lip and he went into the bathroom. I felt my heart race and I felt my heart race I felt butterflies in my stomach and I went back into my room and closed my door. I quickly changed and sprayed some body spray on and put on my shoes. I grabbed my bag and phone and headed out of my room and went into the living room and sat on the couch. Gemma and Anne were both sitting on the couch talking to each other. Anne said so Harry will be taking you to school I said ok cool she smiled and said alright I gave Gemma and Anne a hug and we all started talking. I said I have a lot of tests today they both said eww have fun I laughed and said thanks I'm not excited but I hope I pass all of them. Anne said you will don't worry your extremely smart I smiled and said thanks she smiled and said of course. A little while later me and Harry finally left the house and jammed out on the way to school. Me and Harry held hands and sung songs on the way to school which was really fun it was a really beautiful day and I'm happy it wasn't raining. A little while later Harry parked at school and we both got out and he locked the car and we both walked inside. Me Andy Harry and Lacey all walked to our class together I stayed behind Harry I held a tight grip on his arm while we got to class. We all sat down in our seats and waited for school to begin which is extremely boring but we all decided to talk while waiting for school to start. A little while later the bell rung and everyone sat down and our teacher closed the door and took attendance then the morning announcements came on for the day which are always boring but we have to listen to them. After the announcements our teacher handed out our test and sat down and told us to begin so we all did. I looked at the test and took a deep breath I felt Harry's hand on my thigh and I felt much better and relaxed. I started taking my test and reading the questions carefully. A little while into the test I started having a slight anxiety attack I couldn't breathe Harry noticed and tried to calm me down quickly. A couple minutes later I felt better and continued taking my test I kept taking deep breaths to help calm me down. A little while later I finished my test and got up and handed it to my teacher. I walked over to her desk and handed it to her and went to go walk and sit down at my desk. A little while later everyone finally finished their tests and handed them into the teacher and sat down in their seats. The teacher began grading the test while we all hung out and talked about random shit I rested my head on Harry's shoulder and he smiled and kissed my head. A little while later class ended and we all started walking to our next class together unfortunately we got split up I sighed and said oh great fun just my luck. I ended up running into Lucy she made a gagging noise and said ewww your soo fucking ugly why do you even still show up at school when no one wants you. I immediately ran past her not being able to breathe I got to class and sat down and let out a sharp breathe. Andy said hey you ok I said yea and sat down and said I'm ok I just err got lost they said ok and the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down. Our teacher handed us our test and took attendance while we were taking our test. The rest of the day went by slowly with test in every class and bitchy comments from Lucy. The day finally ended and we all quickly got out I jumped on Harry's back and he carried me outside I took a picture of us when we were outside of school. I rested my chin on his shoulder and he kissed my cheek and said are you ok I said yea. I said Lucy is just bothering me and I absofuckinglty hate it I don't understand why she doesn't like me. Harry put me down and we waited for Anne to come pick us up I yawned and bit my lip and Harry wrapped his arms around me and started swaying me slightly and I smiled and laughed and so did everyone else. A little while later Anne finally came and picked up me and Harry I got in the front seat and Harry sat in the back seat I smiled and bit my lip. Anne said Harry have you started packing he said uea I have she said ok good I'm happy about that. I said are we all gonna bring him to the airport Anne said yea but I don't know of your dad will join us I laughed and said honestly I'm not surprised about that she sighed and said yea. A little while later we picked up food and headed home Gemma gave us a hug I put my stuff down. Ludo jumped on my bed and started barking and wagging his tail I gave him a hug and said hey bud how are you I smiled and kissed his head. I used the restroom and went into the kitchen and ate dinner Anne said Harry you need to start packing soon he said ugh I know. We all hung out for a while then went to bed Ludo slept with Harry I got a picture and smiled and saved it I said my babies and I smiled and went to bed a couple minutes later.

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