65 sunday

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I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk I yawned and stretched and checked my phone Ludo was completely knocked out. I smiled and checked my phone and it said 1 am and I sighed Ludo woke up and yawned and stretched and jumped off my bed and started whinning.

I sighed and got up and let him out I quickly used the restroom and let him out to use the restroom. A couple minutes later I let him back inside and I locked the door and I yawned and stretched. I gave him water and food and I sat down on the couch and got comfortable and fell asleep.

I reopened my eyes and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched again. Ludo had jumped on the couch and fell asleep and I smiled and took a picture of him. I was extremely bored while chilling on the couch Ludo was snoring and I said damn bitch you sound like a fucking bear and I started laughing my ass off.

I sighed and got up and went into my bedroom Lacey woke up and said what the hell Abby and started laughing I said get up and get your bags she said um ok. I quickly decided to pack a bag and grab a couple of other things. Me and Lacey quickly used the restroom and got into my car she said what the fuck your kidnapping me.

I laughed and said well your complaining she said nope and laughed we left the driveway and rolled down the windows and turned on the radio. Me and Lacey were laughing and jamming out together she texted her parents and said she was going somewhere and they said ok.

Me and Lacey left the house at 2 am she said where are we going I said I don't know honestly. Lacey said well are we going on a road trip I said hell yea and she started laughing and said ok I'm so down. I said why not be spontaneous for once in your life she said yea I agree. I said I have never done this before Lacey said yea neither have I smiled and said well we are bonding and doing fun and rebellious shit.

Lacey said I'm a bad bitch and you can't stop us and I laughed and said oh absolutely. We kept driving down the highway and jamming out the sun was starting to come up. Lacey took a picture of the sunrise on both of our phones. We stopped and got some food I said wow no one has called and its 6 am Lacey said wow and laughed.

After we finished eating we continued driving I said where are we going Lacey said I don't know I laughed and said yea same. At around 8 am Harry called and said um where the fuck are you guys at. I said umm going on a mother fucking road trip he said where are you. I said um I don't know honestly I think somewhere near Texas I don't know where we are going.

Harry sighed and said God dammit Abby mom is worried about you I said tell her I'm fine he said ughhh ok. I said well we are off all week from school Harry said yea true and sighed and hung up. I said wow and Lacey said damn thats terrible I said well we have a free week. Lacey smiled and said yea true Anne called and I answered and said hello she said where are you going.

I said fuck it we going to Florida Lacey said helll yea and started smiling and laughing. Anne said please be careful I said don't worry Anne I will she smiled and said ok well Harry is loosing his shit right now and I started laughing.

A couple minutes later Anne hung up and we continued listening to music and talking the whole time. We stopped and got some gas and used the restroom and got some snacks then hopped back in the car. Lacey started driving for a while I yawned and said it's now officially 3 pm she said God damn and started laughing and so did I.

We kept driving for a couple of more hours we stopped and got food and ate. We stopped at a hotel for the night it was 8 pm when we stopped. Me and Lacey were both extremely exhausted I talked to Harry for a while. Me and Lacey fell asleep after we changed and plugged our phones in.

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