V. Coup De Grace

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Aliya, SY35, and Desti sat silently in their cells, Smesh in the one across from them. There were now two more people in Smesh's cell with him, which made him a tiny bit more talkative than before, but still not by much.

All of them had been there for two and a half weeks now, unaware of what's been unfolding on the surface of the Earth.
Aliya bounced a small ball back between the wall and herself almost daily, as it was the only thing she could do to stay concentrated on something. SY35 and Desti could barely even find the words to speak to each other, and Smesh was the only one to really speak anymore during the daytime.

He may be the only one speaking, but that didn't mean he talked a lot.

On the eighteenth day of being locked up, the six people who were locked up heard quite a few sets of footsteps coming towards them. Everyone stood to their feet when they recognized the people not being employees of the building, but instead, others like themselves.

SY35: Anthony!

Desti: Mario!?

Mario: Hey, guys, keep it down. We are getting you out of here.

Another figure steps up with a massive blade in his hand and the two Agents jump back to the back wall of their cell when he comes into view. They couldn't find the words to describe what was happening.

SY35: Y-You!?

Traviere: Keep it down, Toothpick. You'll only get yourself killed.

He slashes the barrier with his blade, overloading the system, and disabling the laser grid keeping them in the cell. Both SY35 and Desti stood their ground at the back wall, while the others had no idea what was going on other than this person was definitely not human.

Summer: Are we going or what?

SY35: Not with him.

He points to Traviere, and he scoffs in return.

Traviere: Trust me, I want to kill you just as much, but that can't happen, now are we going?

Anthony: As soon as we get everyone out of here, and I'm not leaving anyone behind.

Traviere turns around and slashes the barrier holding Smesh and an alternate Mario and Meggy inside. Mario did a bit of a double take when he saw them.

Mario: Uh, hey?

SYMario: Oh! Hi there!

SYMeggy: You're...Probably wondering how we got here.

Mario: Not at all. Let's get you out of here. I know exactly who's behind this.

SYMeggy looks down to Mario's waist and sees the Sentinel Energies Name Badge.

SYMeggy: You...

Before she could finish, SY35 was pressing him against a wall by the neck, fury in his eyes.

SY35: You work here!?

Mario: Okay, okay! I-I can explain! I had nothing to do with this! I swear!

Traviere: This is fun to watch.

Anthony: Watch it, Hag.

Traviere clearly showed signs of wanting to attack, but he just took a deep, slow breath and calmed down.
Anthony shakes his head before stepping in and forces the two apart.

Anthony: You two kids can argue and kill each other later. We need to get out of here first.

SY35 stopped charging Mario, but he didn't take the daggers in his eyes off of him. Desti kept her eyes on Traviere the whole time.

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