Eggs and Cars - A Multiverse Wars Special (Easter 2022)

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Meggy: Good morning. How can I help you today?

Meggy stood behind the counter at Asra's Coffee Shop in Downtown Mushroom Kingdom, serving a young man who seemed to be in a bit of a hurry.
He spoke quickly and kept fumbling with his phone as he spoke.

Man: Uh, Yes, I'll Uh...Take an Americana with one shot of espresso, nothing else, thanks.

Meggy: Okay, sir...that'll be $2.06.

The man hands her three ones.

Man: Take the extra as a tip. Sorry I'm rushing you, I'm in just a bit of a hurry this morning.

Meggy: Oh no worries! I'll make sure to have yours ready to go quickly!

She rings up the cash and sets the change in a Styrofoam cup next to it.

Man: Thank you, Miss. Good day.

He walks towards the other end of the counter briskly, where Asra was already finishing up with his coffee. Apparently, he came in often with the same order almost every day, in a rush, or not in a rush, it was always the same.

Asra: Here you go, sir. Drive safe.

Man: I'll see you next time!

Asra: Have a good day.

Meggy smiled to herself at the friendly exchange the customers had been having with her lately. She heard a tiny voice from her side, and she turned towards the register to see a mother and her young daughter standing, waiting patiently.

Kid: Are you a pirate?

Meggy: Oh, Uh...

Woman: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Makayla isn't very good at watching her mouth sometimes.

Meggy: Oh it's no worries! I get that all the time.

She leans over the counter a tiny bit and brings her voice down as she spoke to the young child.

Meggy: You discovered my secret identity. Maybe I'll let you help me find the treasure I've been hunting when I find its location.

Kid: Really?

Meggy smiles and nods.

Meggy: But in the meantime, while I'm searching, what can I get ya?

The two people order their drinks and move on to the other end of the counter. Meggy turns her attention to three teenagers coming up to her. One of them was a girl with black hair, and the other two were boys, probably sports players by their stature. One of them was wearing a jersey, while the other had a shirt with some rather profane themes on it.

Boy1: So...Pirate, Huh?

Meggy: I'm not complainin' about the title, so I'll accept it.

Boy2: Is it fake?

Meggy: I'm sorry?

Boy2: The eyepatch. You're wearing it just for show, aren't you?

Meggy: Uh...No. I, actually need to wear it.

Girl: Why? Because you're afraid someone will notice a deformity?

Boy1: Oh! Burn!

Meggy: *rolling eyes* Real mature, guys.

Boy2: I wonder how people look at you on the streets when you're walking around like that.

Boy1: If you didn't have the eyepatch, I'd give you a solid 7/10. But with that ugly piece on your face, I'm bringing it down to 3/10.

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