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"I'm sorry for what happened tonight." Isabelle mumbled, as her and Timo were driving home.

"It's fine, Isi. Promise. I just wanna know what happened." Timo slowly put his hand on her thigh.


"-nothing. Yeah, you always say that." He said with a dry laugh.

"I promise-"

"You promise what? That it was nothing or that you're fine? Which is also something you keep saying." He raised his voice just a little bit.

"Timo-" She tried to stop him, knowing how this was gonna go.

"No, I just want to know what you keep hiding from me. You've been acting weird for weeks now, I want to know what's wrong with you."

Isa's eyes went wet, her sight getting blurry.

"Please, don't cry, Isi. I love you, I just wanna know what's up so I can help you." He rubbed her arm, and slowed down as he drove into the driveway of their shared house.

"It's not important. I don't want to put my problems on your shoulder." She sniffled and rubbed her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie.

"Isi, that's what I'm here for, that's why I'm your boyfriend. To help you with your problems." He locked the car when she was trying to get out.


"What's wrong? You'll only get out if you tell me." He joked.

"I just- I don't know." Isabelle sighed and hit her head on her seat. "It's just been hard."

"What has?"

"Everything. Jon, modeling, trying to manage the household, my job and going to your games..."

"What happened with Jon?"

"He's just been hard on me for a week or something." She rubbed her eyes.

"What exactly happened, Isi?" Timo persisted.

"Nothing big, he just-"

"Just tell me, Isabelle." He raised his voice, again. He was tired of her saying it was nothing.

"I don't want to tell you, Timo. It's stupid and nothing important." She now raised her voice too.

"Isabelle, you can't just break down every time someone wants to give you their food, it's stupid."

"Well, why do they give me their food? Why does everyone think I need their help because I don't eat much?" She yelled.

"Because you need help-"

"Oh, so I need help now? What the fuck Timo?"

"You need help if you starve yourself!" He yelled back.

"I'm not starving myself, I'm trying to loose weight."

"Why would you want to loose weight, Isabelle?" He yelled, exhausted.

"Can we just leave this, please?" She muttered.

"No, we can not. We have to talk about this."

"I'm fat ok? Jon was right when he said I was and I need to loose weight. I'm not good enough for the model business."

"What? Isi, you're not fat. You're perfect."

"No, Timo- you don't understand me." She finally yelled.

"Oh- I don't understand you?"

"Yes, you don't know what it's like if you're boss tells you you're not perfect for your job. How would you feel if Tuchel told you, you're not good at football?" She asked him, now completely taking over the conversation.

"You'd be devastated. And I am too, but you don't understand that."

"I understand you, but if he tells you, you're fat and not good enough, you need to leave that agency."

"Timo, oh my god. You can't say that. I can't leave my agency. That's like you leaving football-"

"Can't you leave out the football part for a second?" He yelled.

"Sorry." She yelled back. "Can you let me out now?"

"Everything we've been doing lately is disagree over this, no you can't leave before we finished this."

"This is- oh my god."

"So, you're just gonna shut down now?"

"Yes, because I don't want to have a fight over this."

"Well, then let's just-"

"-stop this." She cut in.


"Let's stop this. If all we do is fight over this, and you don't understand me and I don't understand you, what does this still bring us?"

"Isa, I love you, you can't just leave me now."

"I can, and I will. I can't do this anymore. I'm tired."

"You are? Well, I am too." He sighed.

"Good, then we finally agree."


"Can you let me out now? I'll just get my things and go to Sophia's."

"Uh, yeah, sorry."

"Sure. I'm sorry too." Isabelle got out of the car and left Timo with his thoughts.

After half an hour, she got out of the house with a few bags and sent a sad smile towards his figure in the car before leaving in her car.

Timo slammed his head against the seat and his hands against the wheel, crying out. "Fuck!"

He just didn't know that Isa had stopped at a parking lot of some shop, crying her heart out and receiving call after call from Sophia, who she had just texted about her break up. "Fuck."

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