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I changer her face claim to be Paula, Timo's actual girlfriend :)


"Feel's great to be back, I gotta say." Isabelle laughed as she looked down to the pitch, where the players were warming up.

She sent a small wave to Timo who sent a big wave back, making her and Sophia giggle.

"I know it does. Let's make a picture. Sorry? Could you take a picture of us?" Sophia asked a guy behind them, who nodded and took Isabelle's phone.

isabelle.kehrer posted on her story

kehrer posted on her story

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"Wooohooo." The two girls screamed as Timo finally made a goal without it not being given.

He ran to the side where the two were seated and pointed his finger to the blonde girl who shook her head and smiled into her hands.

Sophia screamed from beside her, "He dedicated his goal to you, I'm gonna cry!"

"Please, don't. That would be even more embarrassing than half of the people around us staring at us because of this." Isabelle mumbled.

"What?!" Sophia yelled over the loud shouts of the fans.

"Forget it." Isi yelled back.


"You were amazing." Isabelle muttered into Timo's shoulder while they were hugging.

"Thank you, baby-" He stopped himself once she got tense and he noticed what he called her, "-Isi, I mean. I meant Isi."

They were silent for a minute until Isabelle started chuckling until she was laughing into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." She laughed, muffled by his shirt.

"No, it's- it's ok. Just laugh at me, it's totally fine." He chuckled into her hair.

"They've been hugging for way to long to be friends, to be honest." Sophia smiled at her best friend while she was under Kai's arm.

"Do you think they're whispering dirty things in their ears?" Kai muttered, jokingly.

"Timo Werner, who doesn't even know how to tie a tie and Isabelle Kehrer who doesn't even notice how Timo is trying, and not succeeding at it, to flirt with her? No way." Sophia laughed.

"Fuck both of you." Isabelle said to them, not hugging Timo anymore.

"I know how to tie a tie..." Timo muttered under his breath.

"No you don't, Timo." Isabelle chuckled.
"Don't you remember how I always had to tie your ties when we had to go to anything and you were freaking out about your tie?"

"Who's side are you on, Isi?" Timo whined and walked on. The other three laughed under their breath and followed him. "Stop laughing at me."

They just laughed even even more, trying to keep it quiet.

"I hate all of you." He grumbled.

Isabelle gasped jokingly and held her chest, where her heart would be.

"Except you, of course, Isi. You are amazing." He took her to his side and hugged her waist as they got to her car.

"Simp." Kai coughed.

"You have nothing to say, bro. I'm not a simp, you are though."

"Nah, just kidding." Kai told him, turned to Isabelle who was about to get into the driver side. "He's a simp."

"I know." She winked, "bye."

She got into the car followed by Timo, who was sitting in the passenger side.

"There might be some fans, if you don't wanna be seen with me, you can just drive by." Timo smiled at her.

"No, what?" She frowned at him, "I love seeing you with your fans, and to be honest, if that means we are seen together, I don't give a fuck."

"Alright." He smiled at her, turning towards the window as they got to the fans.

Timo kept talking and signing things for his fans, having Isabelle keep her eyes on his face that lit up every time he talked to them.

They had been standing there for five minutes, when Timo started saying, 'we gotta go now', 'I'm sorry, we're leaving now' or 'thank you so much for coming'.

He turned to Isabelle and smiled at her, "let's go home, yeah?"

"Home, to yours? Or home, to mine?" Isabelle asked. "'Cause technically my home right now is Sophia's."

"Mine." He nodded, getting her agreement while she was driving on.

"Definitely yours."

"I think Charlie's been missing you too. He whines every night and sleeps on your side of the bed." Timo informed her.

"Oh, Charlie, my love. I missed him so much." Isabelle almost started crying, thinking about the days she spent apart from her lovely dog.

Obviously, what Timo didn't know that she had been sneaking into their apartment, to see her dog and cuddle with him while Timo was at training.

She just grinned at the street before her and drove on to the apartment.

isabelle.kehrer posted on her story

kehrer posted on her story

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