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"Do you want to stay over tonight?" Timo asked Isabelle, seeing as she was almost falling asleep during the movie the two were watching.

"Mmh." She mumbled into the blanket she had snuggled into. "Do you have some clothes, though? These jeans are uncomfortable as fuck."

"Of course, hold on." Timo went to his bedroom, getting some basketball shorts and a hoodie for her.

"Thanks baby." She mumbled and sleepily stood up, not realising what she had called Timo.

"Sure..." He smiled.

After she had changed and did the necessary things she went into Timo's bedroom, where Timo was already waiting in his pyjamas.

"Should I sleep on the couch?" He asked her after he saw her and had to take a moment to take her, in his clothes, in.

"Nooo, what? We've slept in the same bed before, how is it going to be different now?" She muttered, slipping under the blankets.

"Well, we're not dating anymore right?"

"Right, still. And let's change something about that tomorrow. Come here." She patted on the spot next to her, not realising what she had said once again.

Timo had, though. And he had to take a moment to get his eyes back into their normal size, but slipped in next to her either way.

"Good night, Timo. I hope you know that I still love you. And I have a meeting with the agency on Tuesday to talk about leaving them." She revealed in her sleepy state, making his smile widen even more.

"I'm so proud of you," he kissed her forehead and pulled her head on his chest, "and I love you even more."

It was finally Tuesday, Timo couldn't wait to get back home, where Isabelle promised she would wait to tell him what happened.

He had driven like a maniac, quickly dropping of his friend, Mason Mount, before speeding to his house and rushing inside.

"Ella hace todo por seducirme, y yo voy, voy, voy-" He found her singing along to the spanish song on the bluetooth speaker, but ended the verse with a scream once she turned around and saw Timo standing in the door. "Oh my god. You can't do that to me, you scared me to death."

"Yeah, whatever. Well?" He was eager to find out what happened with her agency.

"Sit down, I'm making coffee."

"Ughh, Isabelle Kehrer..." He warned.

"Timo Werner, I'm not going to repeat myself." She threatened, making him sit down in three seconds.

"So...?" He asked, once she sat down.

"So, Jon was there and we talked about what happened, I told the other people what happened,he told them it didn't happen, whatever. And then I just told them that I'd like to leave the agency because I can't be quiet when my own agency is so unhelpful in becoming a topmodel-" She started telling him.

"Bad bitch move." Timo threw in, making Isabelle shoot him a weirded out look. "Sorry."

"Anyways, we talked about it and they said that many other agencies had been asking for me and bla bla bla so I now have to think about whose offer I should take up." She ended and sent him a smile. "In a few days I'm officially out of this company."

Timo stood up and pulled her into a huh. "I'm so proud of you, do you know that?"

"And I'm sorry for leashing out on you like that night, I was just so done and tired and I shouldn't have put the blame on you guys and-"

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