Getting Help

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Shauri let out a groan as Rafiki examined him. The mandrill was 8 months old, about 1-2 months older than most cubs. He was pretty good at healing compared to his mentor, the old baboon Sahau. He watched Shauri bat at him and he backed away. 

"My apologies friends. I can't heal Shauri with my knowledge. My mentor will have t-"

"We can't go to that old man! He'll tell the adults! And we'll get in trouble!" Mufasa yelled at him.

"We wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't attack me..." Werevu muttered annoyed.

"Oh yeah? Well you should have respected me!" The prince snarled.

"And you should have respected us!" Kijivu yelled, shutting everyone up.

To say the least, Kijivu was concerned. Shauri was horribly injured, Mufasa refused to let anyone tell an adult, and tension is still high. Mohatu knows what Uru would do to poor Shauri for attacking his violent brother. He let out a sigh and turned his attention back to his friend.

He watched the prince go limp. The others were busy arguing as Rafiki shouted.

"HE'S NOT RESPONDING!" The mandrill yelled.

Sarafina who was holding Jino for support rose after hearing that sentence. Tears stained her fur and she panicked. Jino quickly ran to help Shauri on Kijivu's back. Werevu noticed the situation and stopped the others from talking. 

They all collectively followed them, leaving all other cubs behind to watch. 


They made it to Pride Rock in a few minutes and were met with the king. Ahadi noticed Shauri's limp body and went wide eyed. He immediately called for Sahau and he appeared as if by magic.  He spent a while examining him and finally said:

"He'll live. He has a bad injury on his back though. He might limp forever." The baboon said.

Sarafina, Werevu, and Mchanga all began to tear. Matope and Kijivu held their friends while Mufasa looked with distaste. His brother got him in trouble again. 

He just should have stayed out of it and say he lost me. Get him in a lot less trouble.

Jino watched Mufasa leave the cave they were in, most likely to go talk to Queen Uru. He cradled Sarafina in his paws, trying to calm her down. This day definitely didn't go well.

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