The Bold One

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Sahau wasn't exactly young when he met them. 4 young, impulsive males who were often left unattended. As he remembered he was pinned harshly to the ground.

"Remind me why we have him pinned? It's only a gelada." A bored voice asked.

Right. He had been kidnapped when harvesting herbs. Currently pinned by some teenagers. The yellowish-pale lion who had pinned him was the oldest. Much more bored of the scene than anything, probably bugged into attacking him. There was three others with him. The second oldest, with golden fur and a black mane who seemed more nervous about the situation. The youngest who had pale yellow fur as well seemed more cheery, almost as if he was faking his hostility. And then there was him. 

Pale-golden fur and a dark red mane with lighter streaks. He was younger than the golden lion but seemed to be more confident than him. He smirked as he spoke.

"A gelada with herbs! Uncle Moto will be overjoyed to have some painkillers. We all know his stub bothers him a lot." 

"So we steal from him." The eldest stated plainly.

"You brought me along to steal Askari!? I thought we were defending the land!" The youngest exclaimed.

The golden one remained silent. He merely looked around fearing something he couldn't tell.

"Sometimes the guard has to do questionable things! It's for the greater good!" Askari explained.

The lion guard. Just what he was looking for. It's why he left home after all.

"You have the roar right? I've heard of its power." Sahau muttered.

"Not yet. My uncle hasn't given it to me yet. Despite me being of age to possess it..."

The teen seemed bitter.

"Askari! What are you doing!?" A voice called.

It came from a lion with a missing back leg. He growled at the scene. Sahau made the assumption the herbs were for him although he seemed capable of handling himself.

"H-hi Uncle Moto...!" The golden one spoke nervously. "We were just asking this gelada if he happened to know what painkiller herbs you needed!"

Sahau nodded for his own sake. He reached for a gourd of herbs. He pulled out a devil's claw. 

"Should numb your pain for some hours." The primate spoke cautiously.

"Thank you. You would make a good healer for our pride! My brother is facing serious sickness. I beg your help." Moto spoke.

Sahau wanted to learn about the roar of elders, this would be the best way to. He nodded and followed after him.


He stuck around a few months after. He learned much about the spirits with his new found knowledge and the roar. King Mfalme, father of Ahadi, the golden lion, and Askari, the bold one, unfortunately never recovered and he joined the kings of the past. But Sahau's healing had helped him greatly. Ahadi felt indebted to Sahau, making him a permanent member of the pride.

Askari never grew up after his father died.

He became cruel, demanding all respect him, and having the audacity to flirt with Queen Uru, his own sister in law! Ahadi never stopped him however, he didn't care. They were betrothed against both their wills, and Ahadi felt no romantic attraction anyway. Spirits know why he endures what he does.

Regardless, he would stand alongside Ahadi and his son. Young Shauri had a proud future in front of him, and Rafiki would help him on his path. Maybe he could help Young Mufasa on the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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