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I was sitting on the hilt of the side walk when suddenly I heard a motorcycle's engine, I looked up and saw Mitsuya with his pajamas on

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I was sitting on the hilt of the side walk when suddenly I heard a motorcycle's engine, I looked up and saw Mitsuya with his pajamas on. I honestly quite saw it as adorable, "Are you coming or not?" Mitsuya asked with a tired voice.

I walked over to his motorcycle and hopped on, I snuggled him from the back as the motorcycle started moving. I felt his heart beat and it was beating abnormally, I was confused but I decided to ignore it as I snuggled in his warmth.

We arrived at his home, he parked his motorcycle and I hopped off but managed to trip mid-air. I was falling face first to the ground too, so I closed my eyes to prepare for the painful impact. I opened my eyes and noticed that nothing happened.

Pair of soft hands pulled me back up, "You should be careful next time N/n.." Mitsuya spoke as he lets go of my waist. "I-I'll try," I said while my face was flushed, Mitsuya then hopped off his motorcycle and walked over to the front door.

He opened it and walked over to me, and grabbed my things. I then followed him inside, as it was cold outside. He then closed the door as he put my stuff down at the sofa, "I'll prepare hot chocolate, drink it while it's still hot.." he said as he walked to the kitchen.

I sat on the sofa as I hugged my bag, it's been a while since I have been here.. "So, where are your sisters?" I asked, "Asleep," Mitsuya replied. He then walked over to the sofa and propped the Hot chocolate down.

"So, why were you up this late?" Mitsuya asked as he sipped his Hot Chocolate, "I.. I decided to free myself from my mother's grasp.." I frowned looking away, "Huh? What happened? You guys used to be super close" he frowned.

"She seems to be mad at me for something I haven't done.." I replied as a tear suddenly slipped from my eyes, he went over to me and wiped my tears as he pulled me into an embrace. "You are the most wonderful and beautiful person I have ever met, don't you forget that.." Mitsuya spoke in a calm voice as he closed his eyes.

 My eyes widened, nobody has said that to me before.. I then cuddled with Mitsuya as tears suddenly started falling abruptly. He stopped the hug to wipe my tears as he caressed my face while smiling.

"I'd like for you to meet someone tomorrow.." as he removed his hands from my face and walked over to grab a sleeping bag. "I'll sleep with you- Not in that way if your wondering" he said as he quickly fixed his words.

I just chuckled, "I get what you mean," I replied as I walked over to him and grabbed the sleeping bag, and followed him to his room. I then placed the sleeping bag on the area I'm sleeping in, he then turned the lamp on and turned off the lights.

"Good night Mitsuya.." I said as I quickly drifted off to sleep, I could still make out what he said. "Goodnight, N/n-san.." he said as he drifted off to dreamland as well.

The Next Day.

I woke up to the sun's rays in my eyes, I sat up and saw that Mitsuya was gone. I stood up and walked out of his bedroom and walked to the kitchen, there I saw his little sisters. When they saw me, they ran up to me while asking tons of questions.

I just laughed, I saw Mitsuya cooking breakfast so I sat on the table. "Y/n-nee-san! I didn't know you came to visit!" Luna yelled cheerfully as Mana spoke, "I wish I was there to see you!" I just chuckled nervously, "Well it was at night so it'd probably tire you guys out.. plus you have a bright day that you'd spend today".

Mitsuya then went towards the table with breakfast in his hands, "That looks yummy!" Mana says as Luna was nodding with sparkles in her eyes. "Dig in, we don't want it to get cold" Mitsuya spoke. After we ate breakfast, the babysitter then arrived.

Me and Mitsuya were off to school, he dropped me off on mines. He then waved goodbye as he drove off. I then walked towards the front of the school, Hinata ran up behind me. "Heyy Y/n-san, I rang the doorbell to your apartment and you weren't there.." Hinata frowned.

I just chuckled nervously, "Let's forget about that.." I replied, changing the topic. We went to our lockers and changed our shoes, Hinata and I decided to part ways and waved goodbye. I decided to walk to the other part of the school because I've heard that there was another delinquent fight.

Word count: 817

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