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It's been a week since the incident

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It's been a week since the incident.. I've been hanging out with Baji and Mitsuya, and he introduced me to a Blonde haired-male named Chifuyu. I felt someone shaking me softly as they called my name, "Y/n? Y/n? Wake Up..! It's time to go" the speaker spoke, I groaned as I slowly sat up.

I rubbed my eyes as I looked around the room and saw Chifuyu, Baji, and Mitsuya "Ah, you're awake N/n-chan" Baji spoke as he looked at me and smiled, "What's going on? Mind informing me?" I asked, "Oh, we're going to a 'mall', " Chifuyu smiled as he patted my head.

"Oh! I totally forgot about that!" I yelped, the three laughed "It's alright, you must've had a good sleep if you forgot" Mitsuya smiled, "Yeah.." I replied, as I got out of bed, "You're clothes are placed in the closet in a hanger, we'll be right in the kitchen" Mitsuya smiled as he walked towards the door.

As they closed the door, I went towards the closet and grabbed what's currently inside. I then finished changing, I was wearing my F/c hoodie, F/c plaid skirt with long F/c socks. I looked myself in the mirror in awe 'Damn, I look cute' I mumbled to myself while smiling.

I walked out of the bedroom and closed the door as I made my way towards the kitchen, I smiled at what's happening in front of me, Luna and Mana playing while dragging Mitsuya along. Baji and Mitsuya talking to each other, smiling.

"Hey, I finished changing, what do you guys think?" I asked while walking closer, "You look great!" Baji smiled, "I agree, but I think you're adorable" Chifuyu replied as he walked towards me to comb my hair.

"What would you like you're hair to be styled in?" Chifuyu asked as he gently combed my h/l h/c hair, "I'd like the usual" I replied smiling, "On it" Chifuyu replied. As Chifuyu was fixing my hair, Baji was making us drinks while Mitsuya was with his sisters on the couch watching a show.

I smiled, closing my eyes and silently humming the song my mom used to hum to me when I was still a child. "The hot cocoa's are ready..?" Baji spoke nervously "Oh that's great!" I spoke, Chifuyu then finished. Walking towards Baji and the warm and cozy drink, "I hope you enjoy?" Baji said as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

I took a sip out of my hot cocoa while slowly trying to process the flavor, I took another sip "It's really good Baji! I spoke, smiling as I took another sip of the warm drink, "R-Really? I thought it would taste bad.." Baji replied in a soft-shocked tone.

I noticed him look at Mitsuya and smiled, pointing at him "It's all thanks to him" Baji smiled. "I see, so Mitsuya showed you" I replied, "Well then, Are we ready to go?" Mitsuya asked as he turned off the Tv while putting his two sisters down, "Come drink your hot cocoa before it gets cold" I yelled.

A Few Hours Later

All four of us huffed as we got tired of carrying our shopping bags, "At least we got the things we need for the festival?" I spoke between breaths, "Yeah.." Mitsuya spoke while crouching down to the level of his two sisters.

"Do you two want food?" Mitsuya spoke, Luna and Mana nodded. We headed off to a restaurant, but I felt something watching me throughout this whole hangout. I brushed it off anyways, Baji found a ramen store so he got excited.

"Can we eat at that Ramen Store?" Baji asked, Mitsuya sighed "Sure, let's go" as we walked towards the entrance. We looked around and noticed a table that can fit six people, and sat down.

"I'll go order food for us" Mitsuya spoke, "I'll come too" Baji and Chifuyu replied, as I just nodded. "Alright,  I'll wait here" I smiled as I sat peacefully while looking at my phone. "Are you sure?" Chifuyu asked, I nodded.

"Well Alright, let's go to the counter now" Chifuyu said as they all walked over to the counter. I had my eyes focused on my phone, I then felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to look at the owner of the hand.

I saw a pinkish-red fluffy hair who's smiling and the Blueish fluffy hair who's curious, they both looked at me and spoke "Hello, we noticed that you were with Baji, Chifuyu, and Mitsuya.. What's your name?" The Pink fluffy-haired boy asked.

"My name's Y/n, and what's yours?" I replied "My names' Nahoya Kawata and this is my brother Souya Kawata," Nahoya spoke, still smiling.

[Sorry if it's short, also thank u for 1.02k readers!]

Word Count: 799

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