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As I was walking, I suddenly saw Hinata's boyfriend running so I decided to follow him

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As I was walking, I suddenly saw Hinata's boyfriend running so I decided to follow him. He stopped in a specific warehouse and so I entered. "Y/n!" Mikey suddenly yelled, running towards me with open arms, ready for an embrace.

He then reached me, "M-Mikey- I can't b-breathe!" I spoke trying to regain air "Oops, sorry about that N/n..". "Y/n? What are you doing here?" Takemichi then asked, "I don't know?" I replied. He then sighed as he looked over to Mikey.

"How's your day, anything interesting I should know about?" Mikey spoke while looking at me, I was about to reply when a gang suddenly entered the warehouse. "Just sit back and watch Y/n.." Mikey spoke, I was a bit uneasy while watching Pah-chin get beat up by the so called 'gang' leader.

'Should I interfere..?' I thought to myself, 'I probably should.. maybe these combat skills that my Grandfather taught me should be useful this time..' I thought to myself as I stood up, leaving Mikey dumbfounded.

"Y-Y/n san?!" Mikey yelled as I walked over to the gang leader, "Eh?? What's a pretty doll doing here?" he said while laughing, "I can give you a piece of me, pleasure and all~" he said while getting close to my face.

I was getting pretty pissed "I.. I have been waiting for this moment.." I spoke, Mikey still behind me, I jumped high up and stepped on the back of his neck. I heard gasps and screams around me, I then stepped on his head to make sure he was knocked out for good.

Mikey and the others suddenly walked towards me, "How did you able to do that?!" asked Takemichi, "I didn't know you could fight.." Draken spoke, I then looked over to Mikey whose eyes are sparkling in amazement.

I then heard a groan from behind us, as we hear a glass bottle getting picked up. The man then stood up and ran towards Draken, "Draken, look out!" Takemichi yelled as Draken dodged the attack that could instantly kill him. 

"C'mon Y/n, we have to get out of here!" Mikey said as he picked me up bridal style, "I can walk y'know-", "Well, I'm taking over~!" Mikey replied in flirtatious voice, "Pah-chin?!" I heard Draken yell from behind us.

Me and Mikey looked behind us and saw Pah-chin, stabbing the tall man. My eyes widened as my tears were falling off my face, Mikey then ran away as I tried to get off his arms. "M-Mikey! put me down!", "Now's not the time Y/n.." he said running, Draken following behind us.

"But what about Pah-chin!?" I yelled, Mikey didn't reply as he kept running. He didn't seem to have any specific place in mind so I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, I felt his hands tighten on my body.

I gave up eventually but I started to feel drowsy, and all I saw was black. I woke up in an unknown home, that wasn't Mitsuya's. I stood up and looked around the room, "I see that you're awake..~" a familiar voice suddenly spoke.

I jumped, taken aback as I looked behind me and noticed that it was just Mikey "M-Mikey?", "Yeah, you kinda fell asleep, it was so adorable!" Mikey said while smiling. I blushed, "U-Uh.. Thanks?".

He just chuckled, "Well wanna eat Dorayaki with me?" Mikey suddenly asked and I nodded, "I'll make you hot chocolate as well!" Mikey spoke, cheerfully. "Make yourself at home, I'll be right back" Mikey smiles.

Mikey's POV

I smiled at Y/n and walked out the door, my smile grew wider as I closed the door and walked towards the kitchen. Grabbed a cup, the hot chocolate ingredients, and a certain 'ingredient'. I then poured hot water on each cup as I grabbed 2 Dorayakis from a box.

I chuckled while looking at Y/n's cup, I then walked towards my room and knocked on the door, I then heard my precious Y/n's voice saying "Come in!".

Back to your POV 

"Come in!" I said, Mikey smiled as he spoke "The food's ready, you might wanna hurry up.." he smiled. That smile.. something feels off.. I followed Mikey to the kitchen, Mikey walked over and grabbed Dorayaki, as always and I walked over and grabbed my hot cocoa.

Mikey was just smiling even when I'm holding the cup, so I took a sip.. the substance felt.. metallic so I decided to ask Mikey the ingredients, "Oh, its just your regular Hot Coco ingredients-" Mikey spoke while smiling.

"No, Mikey.. I tasted something metallic... Do you know what it was?" I asked, getting quite uncomfortable. He then chuckled "Well, if your that curious.. I shall tell you." Mikey spoke, getting close to my ear.

I felt hot breaths in my ear, "It's.. your mother's! Surprise!" Mikey whispered, chuckling as I was just standing there horrified. "Is it true..?" I asked one more time, "Am I the type of person to lie, hm? Darling~?" Mikey spoke. 

I then proceeded to head towards the front door, I didn't seem to know where it was at.. so I ran inside rooms trying to lose Mikey. "Oh Y/n~! Come out~ I won't hurt you~" Mikey spoke while walking around." 

"I'll take good care of you~!" Mikey spoke as he started to feel dreamy,  I tried to sneak to another room. I opened it and saw that it was the outside door, I felt so relieved and started to run. 

"This place seems unfamiliar.." I mumbled as I ran off into the darkness, not knowing where the hell to go. 

Word count: 928

(I lost motivation, sorry-)

||**✿❀~ꜱᴀᴅɪꜱᴛɪᴄ~❀✿**|| A Yandere Tokyo Revengers x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now