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As I was talking with the twins, Mitsuya and the others came back "Nahoya? Souya? What are you guys doing here?" Mitsuya suddenly asked, surprised

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As I was talking with the twins, Mitsuya and the others came back "Nahoya? Souya? What are you guys doing here?" Mitsuya suddenly asked, surprised. "You know them?" I asked, confused while the three nodded. I blinked a couple of times until I smiled, "Would you like to join us later?" I asked while looking at the twins.

Souya suddenly blinked while Nahoya was still smiling, "You guys don't have to if you don't want to though--" Me and Mitsuya suddenly spoke, Souya then interrupts. "What's your choice?" Souya spoke as he looked at his brother, Nahoya was just smiling; a second later, he nodded in agreement. 

"We'd love to join you," Nahoya spoke, his smile still plastered. My eyes sparkled, "Alrighty! New friends! Sounds fun," I spoke as my Euphoric atmosphere attracted weird stares from strangers inside the restaurant. "Let's eat our food, it's going to get cold" Chifuyu spoke, sweat dropping from his face.


After eating Ramen and Yakisoba. 

We all walked out of the store, and decided to take a stroll out at the park to get our minds at peace. 'It's quite peaceful.. It has been a long time since I went to the park with my family..' I thought to myself as I closed my eyes, getting into a pensive mood. 

Mitsuya went to get Ice Cream for his little sisters as me, Chifuyu, Nahoya, Souya and Baji stayed behind in a bench as I let myself into a dozed off state.

Narrator's POV:

As Y/n L/n was peacefully taking a nap, Baji, Souya, Nahoya and Chifuyu couldn't help but look in awe, the four suddenly felt a warm sensation in their hearts, it's like they want to hug her but they'll be too afraid to strangle her to death. In that case, that was what they were getting from each other's desires. 

They wanted more from her, if looks could kill then they would've made it a point to make it an overly dangerous obsession. They then decided to do the same, taking in the silently filled peace in the atmosphere that is currently surrounding the five of them.

Back to your POV:

I then heard giggles and laughs suddenly coming towards where we currently were so I assumed that they were back, Mana and Luna suddenly went towards with cheeky grins while laughing suddenly.

"Y/n-nee-chan,  look, we got Ice cream" Mana spoke as she licked her Ice cream, Luna was already eating peacefully but, she was looking at something. I looked at where she was looking at but smiled in relief as she was just staring at a cat. 

I couldn't help but feel anxious that someone has been watching over us the entire time, and I should be a little more cautious. "Well, looks like the sun is going to set soon, should we go back?" Souya suddenly spoke, I opened my eyes to see the aesthetic looking sky with a yellow-orange type tint on the sky's atmosphere.

I stared in awe as it calmed me down a little more until I saw a hand waving at my face as I suddenly sweat drop, surprised and saw that it was Mitsuya, a smile plastered on his face. "Cozy in there aren't we?" he suddenly spoke, I was quite confused on what he was trying to say but nodded anyway.

"Anyways, we have to get going soon or we'll be seeing the sun set soon." Mitsuya said as he helped me up. But before I could even reply, my feet was off the ground and a chuckle was earned from Mitsuya as he carried me. I got flustered and my face was clearly burning, and if you were to touch it, it would suddenly feel like you're being cooked.

"M-Mitsuya! I can walk too y'know! It's not like I have a broken ankle or anything-" I spoke as my hands were covering my face, I still received no reply from him as his sisters were just looking at what their Nii-chan was doing.

Word Count: 680

||**✿❀~ꜱᴀᴅɪꜱᴛɪᴄ~❀✿**|| A Yandere Tokyo Revengers x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now