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(Well dear hello reader, sorry if I hadn't posted anything for a while, I kinda got busy with school and with a game

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(Well dear hello reader, sorry if I hadn't posted anything for a while, I kinda got busy with school and with a game.. Also Thank you for 583 readers~! Enjoy~)

I ran aimlessly in the dark trying to get away from Mikey's new psychopathic behavior as possible, I then tripped over air and had a bruise on my face "shit.." I cursed as I stood up and started to run again. 

'What happened to the Mikey that I idolized..?' I asked myself as I saw a motorcycle coming right towards me as I dodged the vehicle, the motorcycle then stopped and went towards me with an angry-worried face.

"You should watch where you're going but, are you alright?" A voice spoke as he reached his hand towards me, I then accepted and noticed he had black hair and gold-looking eyes. "Y-Yes, I'm alright.. but can you help me?" I asked with a nervous smile on my face.

"I mean, I could.." the black-haired male responded while scratching the back of his neck. "So, what's your name?" the black-haired male asked "Y- Y/n, Y/n L/n.." I introduced while stuttering between words.

"Nice name! Names Baji Keisuke.. Nice to meet you, N/n-san~" he introduced himself, I blushed and turned away. "So, where ya heading?" He asked, "I was heading.. nevermind, do you know who Mitsuya Takashi is?" I asked.

His eyes widened for a second, "Nevermind.. you probably don't--" I got cut off by him "No, no, I do.. but how do you know him?" he asked, now it was my turn to get surprised "I- I see.. he's my childhood bestfriend.." I smiled.

He then smiled, "Well, why did you ask about Mitsuya?" he spoke "Well.. I need to get to his house..?" I replied. He then nodded as he pulled out his phone and seemed to be texting someone, "Alright! Hop on" Baji smiled as he got on his motorcycle.

I smiled as I went towards him and hopped on, I then held onto his waist and we started moving. 'This is quite a surprise, I never met someone who knows who I'm talking about.. Plus Bonus for him being supper hot..!' I thought to myself as I turned into a tomato.

Many ticks has gone by

We then arrived at Mitsuya's lively home as I hopped off Baji's vehicle, I turned to look back at Baji who was smiling and waving at me "Bye N/n-chan~! Hope to see you again!" Baji yelled as I waved back while smiling "Hope to see you again too!" I yelled as I walked towards the door and Baji drove off.

Someone then opened the door and saw that it was Mitsuya, "Y/n.. where were you! You had me worried..!" Mitsuya spoke as he quickly hugged me "I was with Mikey, alright?" I replied as I frowned at the horrifying experience.

"Well, at least you're here now.." Mitsuya smiled as he lead me inside the house, I walked in to see his sisters watching a show. I smiled at the sight and went towards them, "Hello you two," I spoke smiling with my eyes closed.

"Hello Nee-san! We are watching our favorite show!" Luna yelled as she went towards me, and Mana just stared at my knees. Luna and I were cuddling as Mitsuya was cooking dinner, "Nee-san, where'd that scar come from?" Mana suddenly asked.

"O-Oh, I was.. I tripped down the stairs, it's just a scratch" I replied nervously, "Oh, Okay! If you say so!" Mana smiled as she then went towards me with a hug. As me and Mitsuya's sisters were enjoying the show, Mitsuya then yelled "Dinner's ready".

We stood up and went towards the dinning table, "This looks yummy Nii-chan!" Mana spoke as Mitsuya chuckled. I then finished my food and I stood up, "I prepared your clothes, it's in my bedroom and the bathroom is in the left" Mitsuya spoke as he looked at me with a smile.

I smiled and walked off, I went inside his bedroom and grabbed the things I would need. I then walked towards the bathroom, and to finally get refreshed.

As I finished, I changed into my pajamas and patch up my scar. Once I was done, I went towards Mitsuya's bedroom but to my surprise, my nose bled at the sight as Mitsuya was looking at me with an embarrassed flush on his face.

I quickly closed the door and took a deep breath as I went to the bathroom to clean up the blood, 'This is so embarrassing! I saw Mitsuya shirtless for the first time!' I thought to myself, turning red like a tomato while internally screaming.

As I finished patching up, I heard a knock on the door. I then opened to see Mitsuya, still blushing from the incident "I- I'm sorry Mitsuya! I didn't know you were there--" I blushed "It's alright.." Mitsuya spoke while he blushed.

"Well, we should head to sleep now.. We've got a long day again tomorrow" Mitsuya smiled as we walked towards his bedroom.

Word count: 849

(Sorry if I haven't posted anything for 2 weeks, but I'll try posting some)

(Sorry if I haven't posted anything for 2 weeks, but I'll try posting some)

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