episode five.

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It took Miss Lee almost two weeks to update the cast list of who made it into Wicked. Giselle and Jaemin were more than annoyed with Izumi throughout those weeks. They could understand how nervous their friend was, but Izumi was chaotic, thoughtless and clumsy. Her whole mind was wired on Miss Lee and the upcoming cast list.

She even had a minor skateboarding accident. She had been in thoughts while skating over the campus, when one of her front wheels got stuck in a little dent on the floor and send Izumi flying. She scraped her knee and both her elbows when slamming into the ground.

It was Sunday, Giselle and Izumi were sitting in their universities gym, since Jaemin had an important match today and begged his two favourite girls to attend his game. Giselle printed banners to support her friend (like she always did) and handed one to Izumi.

Izumi looked at the picture of Jaemin in the front. He was holding the volleyball by his hip and moved his free hands through his hair. It was a gorgeous picture of their handsome friend.

"Izu-chan" Giselle started, looking at the players in the gym, warming themselves up, "it's going to be alright! You practiced so much! It would be crazy if Miss Lee wouldn't choose you as Elphaba."

"At this point I don't even care which role I get. I just want to be on stage" the black haired girl sighed and rolled the Jaemin banner. "It's just not typical for Miss Lee to be late. And I'm not the only one of my drama class that wonders where the casting list is."

Izumi had exchanged a few words with Huang Renjun throughout the past days and the Chinese lad showed the same signs of worry. He told Izumi that it's weird for Miss Lee to not be on time.

Izumi nodded. She voiced out her worries that Miss Lee would prefer the seniors since they were close to graduate. And Renjun sighed at this.

Now Izumi was sitting here. Watching a volleyball game, listening to Giselle cheering on Jaemin. Her mind was everywhere but on this game. How could Izumi prove that she was born to stand on stage when Miss Lee never gave her the chance to? She let her head hung low and sigh.

"Jaemin just scored a point!" Giselle screamed pulling on Izumi's sleeve. Izumi looked up and saw Jaemin lifting a fist, screaming happily.

A pang of jealousy spread throughout her body. The gym was Jaemin's stage. The net was his co-actor and the opponents were side characters. Jaemin was glowing. He was standing on his stage.

Coach Wang was standing by the sidelines, throwing his clipboard on the chair behind him and growling Jaemin's name.

Izumi bit her lip. Why couldn'y Miss Lee cheer her on like that? Why couldn't she stand on the stage and show the audience how well of actor she was? She shook her head and leaned back.

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