Chapter 9 - Misunderstandings

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"Good afternoon," Bill Weasley smirked from behind the desk.

Harry gaped.

Hermione exclaimed, "Bill! You never said anything about teaching at Hogwarts!"

"Thought it'd be a nice surprise," he grinned.

"You bigot!" Ron exclaimed. "We've been talking about the new teachers all summer and you say nothing? I thought we were brothers!"

"Oh shut up being so dramatic," Ginny snapped as she swept past them and sat in the back of the room.

"Hi, Ginny," Bill said. She gave a careless wave of the hand and turned to talk to a girl sitting next to her.

"But what about Gringotts?" Hermione asked, turning her attention back to Bill. "What about Fleur? She is pregnant you know!"

"Merlin's pants, Hermione! Is she really? Are you serious? Well I had better hightail it down to Muggle Studies, then!"

Hermione's cheeks tinged pink as she asked, "What? She's teaching too?"

"I feel sorry for the poor blokes who've got Muggle Studies this year," Ginny said disgustedly from the back.

Bill either did not hear her or chose not to reply because he said, "Yes, Hermione, she is teaching, too. Now, if you three wouldn't mind, I'd like to begin class."

They found their seats in the front and sat down.

"Hello, class. My name is Professor Weasley. And yes, if you haven't figure it out, Ron is my brother and Ginny my sister.

"I intend to teach you the subjects I believe will be on your N.E.W.T.s. This year you will be expected to keep up with the curriculum. We will be studying everything from Chimaeras to casting Patronuses–which I realize some of you already know how to produce from certain D.A. meetings a while back," Bill smirked at Harry.

The rest of the D.A.D.A. class consisted of the learning of producing Patronuses.

Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville were able to develop very impressive Patronuses, and now it was Harry's turn to have a go. Harry walked up to the front of the class and looked straight at Ginny who was watching him. He remembered the sunny summer days in the meadow and, grinning, shouted, "Expecto Patronum!"

A gleaming stag erupted from the tip of his wand. Harry let his highly defined, corporeal Patronus bound around awhile, then lowered his wand and it slowly dissolved. As the stag disappeared reality checked in and his happiness faded. He looked up and his eyes met Ginny's once again. Except this time, her face was soft and almost understanding, then, she must of realized her mistake because she quickly looked down.

"Thank you, Harry," Bill said looking curiously between Harry and Ginny. Harry nodded and took his seat between Ron and Hermione.

"Alright. Well that's all for today. See you all on Monday. Bye," he said to the students passing to the door. "See you. Bye Ginny. Bye Ron, Hermione. Harry!" he said as Harry had one foot out the door.


"Er, are you heading to a class?"

"Uh, no I don't think so," Harry said pulling out his schedule. "Uh, no."

"Cool. Sit down" he offered a chair.

Harry sat down and waited awkwardly.

"Harry, uh, just be honest with me, alright? What's going on with you and Ginny?"

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