3. Reality

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Chaeyoung was laying down as she rests on the bed, she looks around and smiled tiredly. Before closing her eyes, a loud crash would be heard as she stood up quickly. Peering behind the door, she walks out carefully.

"Jisoo?" She calls out hearing a loud grunt, she walks out of the wall to the stairs where Jisoo lays on the step with blood pouring out. Chaeyoung rushed to ignoring the blood on the steps,

"Come on, let's get you to the hospital." She said calmly but in the inside she was a scared shitless. The ride to the hospital wasn't fun, Chaeyoung was sitting in the hospital chair waiting for the news on her girlfriend.

The doctor steps outside and looks at her as she stands up, his lips opened as Chaeyoung was told about the sudden news.

Jisoo was currently laying in the bed as her head ached, she looks around confused to why she was at the hospital when she saw Chaeyoung.


"Hey" Chaeyoung smiles as Jisoo takes her hand, "how are you feeling?"

"My head hurts"

"You fell, but doctors say you should be fine."

"When I can go home?" Jisoo asks as Chaeyoung smiled and rubs her thumb over her knuckles,

"Maybe tomorrow? But for now, rest." She says as Jisoo looks at her with a smile,

"Lay with me" she scoots over as Chaeyoung joins her on the bed, Jisoo held her arm before falling asleep with Chaeyoung. She fell asleep shortly after causing Chaeyoung to stay awake, she slips out for the grasp and bed before walking out of the room.

Tears pooled her vision as she shuts the door, she bends down as her body felt a wave of emotions. The first tear drops on the ground and she silently sobs, she held her head as covered her mouth to hide it.

The hospital lights dimmed as hardly anyone was here, she sits alone in the hallway as her girlfriend was sleeping. She was so scared of what happened and what wi-

"Are you okay?" A girl asked as Chaeyoung looks up at her with tears streaming down her face, "Oh, what happened?" It seemed like it brought more tears.

"I know how you feel." The girl says sitting besides her, "Did you lose someone?"

"No." Chaeyoung says shakily, "But I fear that, what about you?"

"Yeah..." The girl says with a sigh, "I lost my wife."


"Yeah, we've been married for 4 years and tonight was our anniversary." The girl says, "Cancer finally got to her."

"I'm sorry for your lost."

"It's fine, she's finally able to live painless." The girl says, "You know, sometimes we fear lost but it always comes unexpected."

"I don't want to lose her." Chaeyoung says as the girl smiles and nods,

"We all have to lose the person we love, it's life."

Life would always be jealous of your happiness.

"Well, I better go" the girl says getting up, "Hope you feel better"

"Thank you"

"No problem, kid." Chaeyoung was left sitting there as her head hits the door lightly, she looks up at the ceiling before closing her eyes.

Fuck Life.

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