1. Beautiful

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How did I do it?
How did I meet the woman of my dreams, well I'll tell you?

It was a Monday afternoon, the sound of running was heard through the crowded sidewalks. She held the briefcase over her head as she ran for shelter, whoever said the sky would be clear and sunny was a lair. She ran over smelling the aroma of coffee and stops at the small shop, she entered feeling the warmth of the shop.

She wiped her feet against the mat before walking in fully and looking around, it had books, albums, and of course, coffee. She walks to a table before someone hands her a menu, she takes a look before ordering. Giving the menu back she looks outside seeing how the rain grew harsher. Her eyes wander around the coffee place before she pulled out her sketchbook, she hasn't drawn in a while. No time.

She glanced up again for inspiration before catching the eye of a girl, the girl wore a nice black jacket that seemed warm. She wore a scarf, a white beanie, and she was wearing cute round glasses. The girl was beautiful.

She looks back at her book before sketching, although she couldn't capture the true beauty- she tried. She would secretly glance over at the girl trying to get every little detail.

Once she was finished, she looked at the drawing and felt her heart race. The girl was now in paper. She bit her lip before glancing over at the girl and seeing how she was now reading a book. She stood up from her seat before glancing back at her drawing, internally debating whether or not to give it to the girl. She does.

She takes the paper from the book perfectly before walking to the girl, what would she say? No clue, she's pretty nervous.

"E-excuse me?" She nervously calls out as the girl lowers her book and looks at her, she was even beautiful closer, how was that possible?

"H-here." She extended her arms to give the simple drawing to the girl, it seemed like the girl liked it.

"You drew this?" The girl gently took the paper and looks over it, "wow! This is amazing!" Her eyes lit up as she gently smiled.

"It's nothing." She rubbed her hand out of nervousness as the girl saw and looks her in the eye,

"You can join if you want," she says as she joined her, "What's your name, artist?"

"It's Chaeyoung." Chaeyoung says as the girl nods, "you?"

"I'm Jisoo." Jisoo says with a smile, "What brought you here?"

"The rain," Chaeyoung says looking out the window before cursing out mother nature, HOW IS IT SUNNY NOW?!? Jisoo looks outside and didn't see any rain, just little droplets on the window.

"Are you sure about that?" She teased as Chaeyoung sighed, "they did say that it's supposed to be sunny." Jisoo says drinking her coffee.

"But it was just raining," Chaeyoung says with a pout, "I even had the money for an umbrella." Jisoo laughs as Chaeyoung smiles sadly.

"So what about you? What brings you here?" Chaeyoung asks as Jisoo scrunched her nose, and adjusted her glasses.

"Well, college is a bitch." She says as Chaeyoung nods, "and life's just stressful."

"Tell me about it." Chaeyoung agreed, "It's like everything gotten more expensive!"

"Right?! Like I just realized it now!"

It always seemed that the two of them could keep a conversation, they can. Chaeyoung grew to know more about Jisoo and Jisoo grew to know more about Chaeyoung. They speak to each other for God knows how long! To them, it felt like they just met again. The bright sky was turning dark before the sun finally sleeps for the rest of the day, Chaeyoung looks out the window seeing the night, and widens her eyes.

"It's already night?"

"Hmm? Oh! I guess so." Jisoo says standing up, "See you next time!" She packs her stuff and leaves causing Chaeyoung to process everything. Wait... Her number! Chaeyoung stood up and was about to call her but the girl already left, she silently cursed at herself knowing she'll never find her again. She sees the picture she drew and picks it up seeing the cursive handwriting below it,

It was nice talking to you.
×××-××××-×××× ~Jisoo
Get an umbrella :)

Chaeyoung smiles happily before looking out the window, she did it. She managed to get the girl's number. She walks back to her table and grabs her stuff to leave for the night, she walks out of the shop going in the opposite direction than she once came in. She pulls out her phone before typing in the number.

She saved the contact before slipping her phone in her pocket and smiling at herself, she glanced up at the moon and thanked it before heading back home.

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