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[a/n: this fic was recently rewritten entirely. if the comments don't make sense that's why!]

       Instantly your eyes were back to his face, and suddenly it all clicked into place. Those dimples, those dark eyes, the scar on his temple... it was him. It was really Alex. Your legs were momentarily so weakened you had to fight to remain standing.

"Well, sorry about that," he shrugged, and turned away from you and your gaping mouth. "Guess it was yours."

You blinked yourself out of your daze, and as you watched his back while he walked the other way, you willed yourself to speak before you could think.

"Alex," you called after him, "It's me. It's Y/N."

His head spun slowly around before his body caught up with him, and within two seconds his eyes scanned you entirely up and down. You saw realization light up his face, and in just one large step he was back in front of you, pulling you to his chest and wrapping you in the tightest bear hug you think you'd ever gotten. Unexplainable tears pricked your eyes as you sat your now unimportant drink back down on the counter and hugged him right back, just as tight.

"Oh my god," he said into your hair. He held you at arm's length, looked over your red and smiling face one more time, then repeated "god" as he hugged you to him again. He eventually released your body but not your hand, and led you over to the nearest table. "What are you doing here? How long have you been here? Are you back?"

Without a choice but not unwilling, you sat with him, and tucked some hair behind your ear as you attempted to answer all his questions in a row, "I just got in today, staying a month with aunt Juniper, and I'm here..." you noticed his hand still holding yours, but he was too enthralled to see your bringing attention to it; you didn't want him to let go anyway. "I'm... here for a funeral. My great Aunt Clara."

He blinked in surprise and his expression fell, "Oh, wow... I'm so sorry. I really wish you were here for something happier."

"Me too," you agreed with a tight smile. Sympathy was all over his face, and you were relieved that he quickly seemed to pick up that this wasn't something you wanted to talk about. His gaze dropped to you guys' still connected hands, and he pulled away then as if touching you burned.

"Sorry," he gave a self-conscious smile; you mirrored it. "S-So, a whole month though?! Got any fun plans?"

You opened your mouth to answer, but was distracted by a woman a few tables behind Alex squinting confusedly in you guys' direction. He must've noticed your face, and turned back to see what you were looking at.

"Oh hell, hold on," he stood. "I was so excited to see you I forgot I came here with my mom. Do you have a minute? Or you busy?"

"Not busy," you offered a small smile, suddenly bursting with the energy you came here for.

"Cool," his face lit up again, charming dimples on display. "Just a sec." He held up one finger and headed over to his mom, stealing one last glance at you over his shoulder as if he was afraid you were going to disappear.

You wondered at him as he leaned down to say something indiscernible to his mom. God he was so... different. And tall. And smelled good. And was just stunning to look at. You brushed those last two thoughts away as he pointed you out and smiled in your direction. The same realization that hit him earlier fell over Alex's mother's face now, and she waved at you with a smile that was the feminine version of his. You waved back, debating on whether or not you should go over there. 

Before you could decide, she was tagging along behind Alex as he strode back over, still beaming. It seemed like neither of you could believe the other was really here. It was a huge relief that he seemed so much happier to see you than the last you two saw of each other. That half-hearted goodbye he'd offered after years of friendship still lingered in the back of your mind now and then. He would probably be repulsed if he knew you thought he was even slightly attractive now.

"Hi," you drew out in a pleasant voice as you stood to greet his mother. She hugged you without a word of warning, and Alex mouthed a silent sorry to you from behind her back. You waved him off with a sheepish smile.

"Hi honey how you been?" She asked you, you thought you remembered her name being Elizabeth but you didn't want to risk saying it out loud. She had a straight, graying bob with bangs, and more makeup on than you did, but she applied it well. "I mean wow, last time I saw you you were only up to my waist!" She looked you over happily shaking her head, "And now you're like--"

"Pretty," Alex offered with a shrug. He stiffened as he realized what he'd said, and that both yours and his mother's eyes flew to his reddening face. "I mean, like, you're a girl now. You... look better with your front teeth grown in."

You rolled your eyes playfully and nodded, praying that your pounding heart wasn't actually audible. Had he really just said that? Had he meant it? After a few more statements of how she couldn't believe how much you'd grown, Alex's mother was ushered away by her son with a promise that he wouldn't be too long. She returned to her table, and he to his seat across from you.

"Sorry about that," he ran a hand through his hair and gave a small, almost shy laugh. He never used to be shy as kids; maybe the time passed had given his personality a 180.

"So, has much changed around here?" you began. It was your turn to ask questions. "You still hang with those guys from school? I mean what have you been up to, what's there to do around here?"

He looked into the distance above your head and counted on a finger for each answer, "Not much, definitely not, studying, aannndd no unless you like Walmart and McDonald's for fun."

"Sounds as exhilarating as ever," you replied sarcastically, getting a smile from him. "Studying for what, didn't you graduate a year or two ago?"

"Yeah," he nodded, his tone revealing this was a stressful topic for him. "But I've been applying to colleges like crazy; I don't plan to stay here forever."

"Yeah, I definitely get that," you sipped your drink, and then, "You wouldn't still happen to live in the house behind my old one, would you?"

"Sure would. Shiloh's still kicking too, old bastard," he leaned back in his chair and reached into a big stretch above his head.

Your gaze fell to where the edge of his shirt rode up to reveal a sliver of his lower stomach. There was a twist in your own stomach and you could feel your face heating; you hoped he wouldn't notice. You shook the fantasy of touching him from your mind. Yes, he was obviously gorgeous, but this was your friend Alex. And you were only here for a short time; no way could you even think of going there.

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