big news

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[a/n: this fic was recently rewritten entirely. if the comments don't make sense that's why!]

       You slapped your hand to it to cover it, and your eyes flew to your aunt's.

"It's not like that, huh?" She thought this was just hilarious. You glared at her through the mirror, and she backed up to disappear, still with a shit-eating-grin on her face.

After that humiliating interaction and lots of trial and error to get that spot covered up, you spent hours either lying on the couch, pacing the house, or staring at your phone waiting for a call, a text, or anything from Alex. You even contemplated sitting out on the back deck for a while, despite it being less than 20 degrees. You couldn't get his lips out of your mind, that heart stopping kiss. It made you feel so alive. You could replay it in your mind all day, and for most of this day you'd honestly done exactly that. Was he feeling the same? Did he regret it and never want to see you again? It was still baffling that you were his first kiss. You remembered his words.

I saved it for you on purpose. It just had to be you.

It hit you all at once how happy he made you, how bad you needed to be with him. You needed him to be more than your best friend. He got you, like nobody else ever had; your families already knew and liked each other, he shared all of your pleasant childhood memories...
You loved him. And admitting it to yourself now, finally, you realized you'd loved him for a long time. He just had to feel the same way, you couldn't go another day not being exclusively his.

"Aunt Juniper," you blurted nervously, not giving yourself time to think and back out of what you were about to say. She turned to face you, half chewed cookie in her mouth. You took a deep breath and reminded yourself the worst she could say was no. "How crazy would it be if I just... stayed here?"

She froze, paused her show, then came over to stand in front of you. "For good?"

You nodded, the potential threat of imminent rejection terrifying you.

"Are you being for real?!" She threw her arms around you before you knew what was happening. "It'd be like a sleepover with my little sister every night! I love that idea, oh my god."

You were over-joyed, already fighting tears. This move would solve multiple of your problems at once.

"What about your parents?" Your aunt asked, bringing up one of aforementioned problems.

"They'll put on a sad act for a few days, but trust me, it'll be a relief for them," you assured her. "Now they'll be able to travel again, and mom can turn my room into her office."

She almost seemed as excited as you were by this. You couldn't wait to tell Alex, this was going to change everything. You decided to make the first move and text him.

meet me at bean hollow tmrw morning? :) got something to tell you, you hit send.

By the time you changed into your pajamas, he'd texted you back: i'll be there, around 10. got some big news for you too


    You were in such a good mood getting ready the next day, you felt like if you sang, little woodland creatures might appear to help you get dressed and dance around with you. You triple checked with Aunt Juniper that she hadn't felt pressured into telling you yes, and she assured you she didn't. You still hadn't mentioned anything to your parents yet, but your aunt was the one that a yes really mattered from. After all, you were legally an adult.

You practically floated into the cozy cafe, feeling on top of the world. You wondered which of the hundred reactions you'd imagined Alex having would be the reality. Your eyes scanned the long room for him, and you were glad to find him sitting in a booth near the back. He stood when he noticed you making your way over to him; you were positively beaming with excitement.

"Great news!" you said, but it muffled into his hoodie as you two hugged. "But you first, cause mine is probably better. No offense."

"None taken," he smiled, but it didn't feel genuine. Something was wrong, you felt it in your gut.

He told you, his tone unreadable, "I got an acceptance letter."

"Isn't that great?!" you were thoroughly confused, he'd said he'd been applying to colleges like crazy. Why wasn't he happy?

He nodded, but his mouth was a straight line. "It is, but, I'm gonna have to leave a few days before your trip here is over. I don't know when or if I'll ever get to see you again."

"Leave?" you echoed. "Aren't you going to the community college that's like 40 minutes away?"

He shook his head and his gaze fell to his joined hands atop the table, "Would you believe I got into Brown?"

The wind had been knocked out of you. If you were right, that was over a thousand miles from this town. Forty minutes was doable, but twenty hours...

"Th-The Ivy League Brown?! In Rhode Island?"

"Yeah," he clarified, seeming in slightly better spirits. "Crazy, right? I can't believe I got in. The only thing that sucks is that I leave before you."

And just like that, there went everything. He'd unknowingly just ruined every fantasy you had of the next year of your lives in your head. Only momentarily did you let yourself be selfish and wish he hadn't gotten accepted. You came to your senses soon enough, and congratulated him.

"It's not unbelievable, you're smart and always have been," you knocked his foot with yours under the table. "Nerd."

He breathed out a humble laugh, then said, "Just tell me I'll see you again."

You looked in his eyes, "You'll see me again. Trust me."

He blinked a few times, then let it go, seemingly having believed you. Your heart broke at the finality.

"Alright, your turn," he jerked his chin at you. "What's your amazing news?"

Shit, you hadn't thought this through. You couldn't have, you didn't see it coming at all. You couldn't tell him you were staying now, that might guilt him into doing the same and not following his dreams. You had to think of something on the spot. And quick.

"Well your news was definitely bigger," you chose your words carefully, making sure to avoid the word better. "Just uh, Aunt Juniper is finally getting a kitten really soon. Maybe you can meet it before you go."

He agreed to do to if possible, and you two discussed some name options for this lie of a cat. It was hard to act thoroughly happy for him, when he just blew the entire future you'd made for you guys in your head.

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