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Next day.....

Y/n apartment

Y/n woke up and did her morning routine.. It was Sunday so.. she's helping her in house chores ...

Y/n mom: good morning honey..
Y/n: good morning mom...
Y/n mom: y/n tomorrow we are going to meet your soon to be husband...
Y/n: (awkward) ummm ok...
Y/n mom: he's very good y/n and i know you will he happy with him.. His name is JEON JUNGKOOK...

Y/N:(in Mind)ok JEON JUNGKOOK... Now who is this guy... Oh god help me.. I also don't know him and I'm gonna marry him?? My life is fūçked up...

Jeon Mansion....

After coming downstairs... Jungkook went to do his break fast..

Jk: good morning Eomma appa...
Jk dad: morning son..
Jk mom: good morning jungkook..

Jk mom: so jungkook.. you know right... Tomorrow we are gonna meet your soon to be wife.
Jk: yeah mom.. but why tomorrow...
I mean tomorrow is Monday... I have to go to university...

Jk dad: I already know son but please take leave or half day..

Jk: oh god dad... Ok I'll try...
(Jungkook can't deny his father's request)

Next day.......

Both jungkook and y/n are nervous. They don't know what's gonna happen.. And the coincidence is they both took half day leave...


Both the families are in the restaurant....
You also arrived there and waiting for jungkook...

Jkmom: He'll be here only... Just few minutes more ..
Y/n mom: yeah yeah it's okay
Jk mom: y/n honey you are looking soo good..
Y/n: thank you aunty..
Jk mom: she's so cute.
Jk dad: yeah. She's best for our son...

Just then jungkook entered....

Jk: I'm sorry for making you all wait.(bowed) Hello...
Y/n mom: it's ok dear. Come sit..

Jungkook came and sit next to you... You don't know what was happening...

Jk mom: I think we should let them talk with each other...
Y/n mom: Yea... It's better to know each other....

Jk dad: Jungkook.. take her to the garden.

Then you both went to garden...

At Garden.....

You both were just walking...
It was an awkward silence then Jungkook decided to break it.

Jk: What's your name? I'm sorry but they didn't even told me your name....
Y/n: I'm y/n..
Jk: oh I'm Jungkook..
Y/n: yeah I got to know few minutes ago...
Jk: oh (awkward) so... Why did you accept the marriage..
Y/n: Just because of my parents... What about you??
Jk: yeah same reason... Umm are you still in University...
Y/n: yeah.. I'm going to graduate in a year..
Jk: that's nice..

Y/n was nervous... She was just answering his questions... And jungkook can understand that...

Jk: you can ask me Anything if you want... Since we are getting married...
Y/n: I don't wanna ask anything.. but can I have a request..
Jk: Yeah sure...
Y/n: umm... Can we....(nervous) can we marry after few weeks.. so that we get to know each other more...
Jk: that's great..
Y/n: thank you so much...

Jk: I think we should go now... They must be waiting for us...
Y/n: yeah. Let's go...

After that they both went to their parents...

Jk mom: oh you both came... Come sit..

You both sit beside each other..

Jk dad: so y/n.. dear are you ready for marriage..

You just looked to jungkook...

Jk: appa i think we both need few weeks.. can we arrange everything after 3 weeks.. so that we both can know each other...

Y/n dad: wow.. yeah sure.. we can arrange all the things after 3 weeks.. Untill then you both will also know each other. You can go to dinner, lunch , dates.....

Jk mom: wow I'm so happy... After 3 weeks is marriage.. wow...
Y/n mom: yeah we have soo many things to do... Let's go now....

They started going out leaving you and jungkook.... Jungkook looked at you and you looked towards jungkook...

Jk: umm let's go..
Y/n: umm yeah...

Then you both started walking.

Y/n: umm My mom was saying you.. to.. come to our house... Tomorrow.. for lunch . IF YOU ARE FREE...
Jk: huh?? Umm yeah. I'll try to come..
Y/n: yeah..

You understand that he's little bit cold.
It's tough for you to understand him. But you are trying.

Meanwhile jungkook is thinking that you are very kind and sweet...

You both were trying to get along with each other. Both were trying your level best to know each other.

Let's see how you'll get along.
Let's see if their relationship works or not....

Till then stay tuned........



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