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It's been 3 days you are not talking with him. He still care for him. You still cook for him , wake him up and care for him BUT you don't talk to him. You are giving him cold shoulder.

Jungkook also know that you do care for him but just showing that you don't care. Jungkook always try to talk with you. These days he was the sweetest with you. But you were somehow hurt.

In University.....

Jungkook was taking class. You were not interested in what he was teaching though you know what was happening...

Aisha: Sir I have a doubt??

You got irritated and rolled your eyes because you know her intentions..
Jungkook saw you rolling your eyes and thought to tease you.

Jk: yes Aisha. Tell me...

Aisha: sir you're mathematics teacher.. so I wanna ask you , if we can put LOVE in maths?

She asked seductively showing her cleavage..
You just rolled your eyes.. jungkook noticed it and wanted to play with her to make you jealous..

Jk: umm yeah....

Your eyes popped out and you looked towards him with wtf look..

Jk: lemme tell you some sad love stories...

You were soooo done with him....
You were feeling jealous...

Jk: so the first is..You all know a TANGENT... they only meet one time then parted away....

You were burning with jealousy...
How can he talk with her like this.. And this nonsense talk..

Aisha: sir I'm ready to be your tangent atleast i can meet you once
(She said and winked at him)

Jungkook just chuckled...
You were done with this...
You Stand up and....

Y/n: sir i don't think this is necessary. It's also not related to our studies..

Jk: it is y/n. My student is asking me question related to my subject. So i think i should answer this...

You were pissed off.just then class was ended.. you stormed out off the class and jungkook chuckled watching your reaction...

After University.....
You were at home waiting for him....

Y/n: let him come.. I'll show him.. how can he??
Jk: I'm back yobo.

You took his bag and blezer from his hand.

Y/n: jungkook-ssi why were you flirting with her?

Jk: who? I didn't flirted with anyone.
Y/n: I saw everything in the class.
Jk: oh you are talking about Aisha?
Y/n: YESSS..
JK: but finally you decided to talk with me?? Hmm...
Y/n: I'm still angry and I'm not talking...

Saying this you went to your shared room.. jungkook was laughing watching your reaction..

Jk: cute.

Next day......
It was semester party day.....

On call.

Y/n: Lia.. i don't know what to wear..
Lia: come on girl.. wear something sexy... I'm sure you'll look so fucking hot.
Y/n: But i never wear something like that...
Lia: just listen to me and just wear what I suggested to you.. you'll be the hot damn sexy girl in the party.
Y/n: ohh... Ok..
Lia: good girl.. now let's meet in the party.. I'm hanging up.
Y/n: bye.

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